Demonstrating a keen sense of humour Raiders management have announced they’re fining David Shillington:
The Canberra Raiders have fined David Shillington an undisclosed sum for breaching the Club’s Media Policy, after several stories appeared in the press today without the knowledge of the club.
“Comments made today across several media outlets by David Shillington, were in breach of the clubs Media Policy that clearly states ‘Players may speak on issues relating only to their own performance and that of the team. They should not comment on issues outside of their immediate responsibilities as a player without prior approval from Senior Management’,” said Raiders CEO Don Furner.
“David is an experienced senior player at this Club and should have known better, he has been spoken to previously about errant comments he has made to the media and the negative impact they can have.
“The Club always places great importance on the integrity of our brand and image and David’s comments were not endorsed by the Raiders organisation.”
“I have spoken to David today and he acknowledged that some of his comments were not appropriate and he was sorry.” Furner said.
But what were his comments? Well he did want strong action on team culture.
Guess he’s getting his wish quicker than expected.