The Canberra Times has a curious piece, split over two items here and here about a recent survey.
It seems the Gubbmint’s recent pay parking attrocities have forced more people onto buses. Of course more capacity has not been laid on so the buses are now bulging.
Money that could have been spent on more buses and drivers is being spent on a real time bus timetable system, so if you can’t afford to run the car under the Government’s policy you will know exactly how long it will be before the next over-crowded bus comes along. Other money that could have been spent on more buses and drivers is going to be spent on busways which will travel at exactly the same speed between city centres, before they dump into the road congestion which surrounds those centres. The busways also have the neat virtue of removig buses from routes along which they could pick up and set down passengers.
Meanwhile the Government is resolute in refusing to deploy it’s loss making bus network to the airport because, er, the route would run at a loss. Which makes one wonder at ACTION’s cost structure as it seems people who hire their own damn bus can make the route pay just fine thank you. Only they’re not allowed to do anything useful, like pick up and drop people along the way, because the Government will brook no competition to ACTION.
You couldn’t make this stuff up.