3 October 2024

Cain's Aboriginal history textbook puts Canberra Liberals on back foot again

| Ian Bushnell
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Peter Cain MLA.

Canberra Liberal shadow attorney-general Peter Cain has apologised for his former views. Photo: Thomas Lucraft.

The Canberra Liberals campaign is again in trouble with the revelation in The Guardian of views from shadow attorney-general Peter Cain on the colonisation of Australia and race relations between First Nations and the British.

Mr Cain has had to apologise for views from 2002 that he says he no longer holds, and Leader Elizabeth Lee was again put on the defensive during the campaign after she was forced to disavow social media comments on Welcome to Country ceremonies and other conservative grievances from a candidate in Ginninderra, Darren Roberts.

Mr Cain is also running in that seat, which is now a train crash for the Liberals, who are only running four candidates after MLA and former frontbencher Elizabeth Kikkert was booted from the ticket and the party over alleged bullying and breaches of electoral rules.

She has vehemently denied the party’s allegations and is now running for the ultra-conservative Family First Party.

Chief Minister Andrew Barr seized on the textbook excerpts, saying that right-wing conservatism keeps bubbling away among the Canberra Liberals and rising to the surface.

“Elizabeth Lee is doing her very best to hide it, but it keeps on emerging,” he said.

READ ALSO Canberra Liberals promise $40 million injection for mental health reform

The Guardian reported that in 2002, Mr Cain wrote a student workbook and teacher’s manual titled History of Australia, published by Light Educational Ministries, which develops Christian-based educational materials for homeschoolers and schools.

In it, he failed to mention the frontier wars, writing only that “some were afraid of the Aboriginals; some treated them badly”.

Mr Cain portrayed the role of Christian settlers and Christianity in general favourably.

“But the governors tried to protect the Aborigines and encouraged Christians to tell them about the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Christians also tried to help the Aboriginals by caring for them and teaching them English so they could be part of the growing settlement,” he wrote.

One exercise talks about the “unfortunate things that happened” but asks students to discuss how Aboriginal people have been “blessed” by the coming of the British.

Mr Cain also wrote about the conversion of First Nations people and the benefits that Christianity had bestowed.

“Darwinian evolution actually taught that some Aboriginal people on the Earth represented a lower stage of humanity in the evolutionary tree,” he wrote.

“The Origin of the Species [sic] influenced some during the nineteenth century to see Aboriginal peoples as inferior and not worth the full rights of other human beings.

“In a Christian perspective all human beings are made in God’s image and one of the responsibilities for the Christian Church is to make disciples of the nations … generally speaking, the settlement of Australia was accompanied by a desire to help Aboriginal peoples.

“The gospel of Jesus Christ is no doubt greatly appreciated by the many Aboriginal Christians in this land today. Even those Aboriginals and non-Aboriginals who do not consider themselves Christian receive the benefits of a society that still operates in many spheres upon Christian presuppositions and order.”

Elizabeth Lee

Opposition Leader Elizabeth Lee said the book was written 22 years ago and was not party policy. Photo: Ian Bushnell.

He described God as the “creator of Australia” who had made plans for the various tribes and nations “in the hope that they might find the truth about God”.

“God knew the Aboriginal peoples and made a plan for their salvation,” he wrote.

Mr Cain said in a statement that he had sincere respect for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and “wholeheartedly” apologised for any offence given.

“My own understanding of First Nations history and culture has developed considerably in the over two decades since the student workbook was authored and published and I no longer hold these views,” he said.

Ms Lee said Mr Cain had come out “proactively” and apologised for comments that have may have caused offence.

“Peter has confirmed that he has a lot of respect for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and that his views have significantly evolved over the last 22 years,” she said.

Ms Lee said the book’s words were not party views but were written 22 years ago for academic purposes.

She did not think the report would set back relations with the ACT’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island people.

“I’ve got a great relationship with many local community elders and leaders and I have no doubt that we will continue to have a very productive relationship,” she said.

Asked if this would hurt Mr Cain’s and the party’s chances in Ginninderra, Ms Lee said that was up to the people of Ginninderra.

“You know, there’s probably many people who reflect back on 22 years ago and probably realise their views on a number of different issues have evolved and changed,” she said.

But Mr Barr said Mr Cain was only one of a number of Canberra Liberals whose voting record in the Assembly and history demonstrated “extreme right-wing views”.

“Elizabeth Lee proposes that he will be the man writing laws for the Territory,” he said. “You look at that textbook that he wrote this century, this century – that gives you an insight into his views.

“But he’s not the only one. It’s a consistent trend. It is endemic in the party.”

Mr Barr singled out shadow health minister Leanne Castley for her “controversial” views on abortion access.

“These people hold extreme right-wing views,” he said.

“That’s very clear and it’s coming to the surface in this campaign.”

Mr Cain’s website says that he had a 20-year career as a high school mathematics teacher, then as a teacher and principal in the non-government school sector. He completed a law degree in 2001 and was elected to the Legislative Assembly at the last election.

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So, any view that Labor/Greens disagree with is now classed as “extreme right-wing views”, how pathetic. It is the extreme Left-wing policies and legislation that have been implemented by left-wing governments that are destroying our way of life and dividing us like never before.

Bit of hypocrisy there.

You decry the use of the term “extreme right-wing views” and then proceed on a rant over “extreme Left-wing policies” … with which, obviously, you disagree and therefore they (the policies) are destroying YOUR way of life and dividing YOU like never before.

Gotta love the Sky Fairy! All about the truth and bringing people together.

Incidental Tourist9:38 pm 04 Oct 24

I wander why did these prophets conceal the “truth” waiting 2 weeks before election to reveal “suddenly” what has been said some 22 years ago? Those without sin throwing stones must be even more right wing wolves in “progressive” sheepskin.
Qur’an “And do not … conceal the truth while you know [it].” — Surah Al-Baqarah (2:42)
Proverbs 28:13 (ESV): “Whoever conceals transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.”
Gospel of John, chapter 8, verse 7. “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”

@Jack D.
Do you honestly believe that you are going to influence those constituents, who have previously voted for Cain, to change their vote?

Obviously you and the rest of the cabal, on the first floor of the City Plaza Apartments, see him as a vulnerable candidate in the election.

The challenge for your group is how to get those who may be thinking of jumping off Cain’s ship to direct their vote towards Labor candidates.

While you might make a dent in his primary vote with your ageist WASP slights, though the very positive comments from a few of his actual constituents suggests not, you may only succed in pushing those voters towards another conservative group in the electorate – the independent Belco party.

The Young Liberals and party staffers have been out in full force defending Peter Cain in this thread, but that is to be expected! Mr Cain’s religious and racist beliefs are well known within the party but are accepted!

Peter Cain wants to become Attorney-General and holds extreme and right-wing beliefs endemic in the party. Homophobia, racism, bullying, sexism are there for all to see.

Mr Cain’s increasingly bizarre and manic behaviour towards the government, both inside and outside the assembly has been an ongoing concern. Frothing and bellowing across the chamber at the government and those he disagrees with he has brought a number of restrictive bills into the assembly targeting minority groups including Aborigines. The Canberra Liberals voting record is testament to Mr Cain and his party’s intolerant and extreme right-wing beliefs.

Winning on the slimmest of margins Mr Cain has achieved nothing of note since being elected. This is the same man who used his parliamentary Facebook page to reply to right wing media calling for an end to self-government. Mr Cain is closely associated with right-wing fringe groups including Right-to-life and Advance Australia. He supported Jeremy Hanson in using the party’s platform to run the party’s highly divisive opposition to the Voice referendum with Advance funding. He has joined with Mr Hanson in lobbying the party’s federal senators to interfere in our parliament’s laws including religious and drug law reforms, the Calvary Hospital acquisition, end of life choices and LGBTQIA+ rights.

The sooner our parliament is rid of old white men and moralists like Peter Cain making decisions for us the better!

Feel free to object to the Member’s views, but it undermines your argument when you advocate the exclusion of people based on age and gender. People who happen to be old, white or male are just like everyone else; we are individuals with individual, idiosyncratic points of view.

Complains about “racists” whilst being ageist and racist yourself in the very same comment.

You’ve outdone yourself again Jack

GrumpyGrandpa6:16 pm 05 Oct 24

Jack D.
It seems that those who do not see the world the way you do have extreme right-winged beliefs.

You appear to have labelled Mr Cain with about every derogatory term possible and I don’t understand why your comments need to go that far?

Could it be that Mr Cain is a decent guy (people thought he was worthy enough to elect him to represent them)?

Could it also be that Mr Cain isn’t an extreme right-winger, and that maybe your views are so far in the other direction?

I have never met Mr Cain, but I feel just maybe the benefit of the doubt should go to him, after all, he too is human and every one of us is fallible.

All the best Jack.

Thank you for your response validating my comment NicCI!

On reflection though, maybe I should have used the term “pale, stale and male” to better suit my argument!

Peter Cain’s toxic, racist and outdated beliefs are well known within the Canberra Liberals Grumpy but are tolerated because they are endemic within the party. Thankfully, ACT voters are more enlightened and less accepting of the archaic views held by Mr Cain and why the party has been in opposition for over two decades.

Unfortunately, the unpredictability of our Hare Clark voting system gives power to these racists and those of Mr Cain’s ilk. Liberal candidates in this year’s election derive from the most socially conservative and cultural backgrounds the party has ever put forward in an election that I can remember. Many of the party’s candidates are closely aligned with far-right fringe and religious groups including Right-to-Life and Advance. The growth of Independents and single-issue fringe parties paves the way for these groups and minority governments, creating uncertainty and instability. Parties who seek to wind-back hard fought reforms including end of life decisions, LGBTQIA+ rights, women’s health and reproductive choices, drug law reforms, safe schools, and others.

The party’s weak leaderships have led to this failure, unwelcoming and hostile towards socially progressive candidates and women. A party that is in rapid decline, remaining firmly aligned to the conservative and far-right values of Zed Seselja and his followers including the party’s up and coming leaders in the young Liberal movement!

@Jack D.
So, I take it Mick Gentleman will be discarded in your “pale, stale and male” clear out, Jack D. – but of course, you will have to wake him up to tell him it’s time to go.

It amazes me that “pale, stale and male” is used without irony by people to try to highlight perceived discrimination when that very statement is itself racist, ageist and sexist. It’s right up there with people who hold themselves up as paragons of tolerance while at the same time denigrating people of faith by referring to fairies and imaginary friends.

I am sure there are those who think so JS!

I do not live in Mr Gentleman’s electorate nor have I ever met him. Judging by the results of the last election Mr Gentleman remains popular with voters due to his many productive years as a minister in the assembly.

Thankfully Minister Gentleman does not share the same toxic and racist thoughts as those in the opposition. Nor has he ever been forced to apologise for derogatory and homophobic slurs which his Liberal opponent used against another candidate at the last election!

Sorry, but saying “male, pale and stale” still sounds like racism, sexism and ageism to me. I’d still like to be judged alone on the content of my character and my competence in my work and nothing more.

With a name like “Jack D” you too will soon be at high-risk of being pigeon-holed, dismissed, name-called and abused as one of the “old white men” and “pale, stale and male”. No matter what you say or do over the years it’s coming to you, just because of how you look and because you keep it trendy to be ageist, sexist and racist against that demographic.

You remind me of me in my 20s: a fanatical rabid lefty bigot. Slowly over the years I learnt and realised the self-evident truth: that people who are now abused for being “old white men” created the most tolerant civilised prosperous peaceful societies that we know of in human history.

Yes of course bad things happen and happened but far higher rates of bad things happen in other nations and societies eg. compared to where we are, a society built by Western Europeans, in places like Africa and South America the murder rates are 20 to 30 times higher. See wikipedia “List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_rate”

Read up about domestic violence and child abuse in Aboriginal communities, they are many times higher than among the rest of Australia.

Add to that there are 60+ nations where just being suspected of being LGBTIQA+ is severely punished.

Canberra and Australia are great places to live and so many people want to move here because it was made by those who are now “old white men” and “old white women”.
I salute them for building and providing for us the great society that so many of us take for granted!

Finance 6'5" Blue Eyes8:56 am 07 Oct 24

@Jack D, there’s no advertising, public speaker, or forum troll who has more effectively swayed my vote than you; but in the opposite of direction of which you preach.
You’re either really good at reverse psychology to gain liberal votes, or you should probably sleep on your emotional, divisive, knee-jerk rants before you post.

So “Right wing conservatism” is a vulgar term now or so it seems from this article?
Note to author:
The ALP primary vote is always below the LNP primary vote federally. Likewise the Australian Communist Green primary vote is usually lower than 25% that of the LNP primary vote. That is 6 to 8% where the LNP remains always between 30 and 43%. Far from Conservatism, Conservative ideas and politics being shunned by the majority of Australians Australians don’t identify with the Socialist left more than the Conservative right. Facts matter!

I think you are being a little too precious in your reaction to the article, Rob.

While I definitely think the Labor-friendly author is trying to draw attention to a (IMHO) historical non-issue for a Liberal candidate, you have chosen to conflate a reference to Elizabeth Kikkert running for the “ultra-conservative Family First Party” and a quote from Barr about “extreme right wing views” to enable you to infer that the article suggests ‘”Right wing conservatism” is a vulgar term’. To call it drawing a long bow would be a very generous concession indeed.

Surely you are not suggesting that the (overtly Christian) Family First Party is anything but ultra-conservative? And don’t you think extremism in any flavour of politics is a bad thing?

As for you introducing the primary vote at federal elections? I’m sure you can see a relevant link somewhere.

Rob, if facts matter why did you claim “The ALP primary vote is always below the LNP primary vote federally”? At the last election, the ALP had 32.58% of primary votes; while the LNP had 27.69% (Libs 23.89; Nats 3.6 & CLP 0.2). That doesn’t match you claim of always.

Summer Sandy8:08 am 04 Oct 24

It’s called HISTORY. It doesn’t change because you don’t like it or agree with it.
Peter Cain wrote it specifically for Christian students. From the text I read, it provides context for past motives of Christian actions and non- christians during that specific time in HISTORY.
If anything, given that Peter refers to Genesis 1:27 which says that we ALL have been created in the image of God, Peter is saying that unlike those who believed in Darwinian views at that time, Christians valued Aboriginals as EQUALS and deserving of Jesus’ teaching and salvation.
What is racist or offensive about that??

What Mr Cain wrote back then sounds poorly written but is factually correct.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart11:35 pm 03 Oct 24

My only problem with any of this is that Peter Cain apologised for what he wrote.

If he no longer believes what he wrote back in 2002, then I find that very sad as I consider it to be true: that God desires for all people to come to Him through Jesus Christ, and that the colonisation of Australia was part of His plan to provide the opportunity of salvation to the Aboriginal people. And that colonisation of Australia has been a blessing upon this land in which the good has drastically outweighed the bad.

If Mr. Cain no longer believes this, then I wonder what other parts of his Christian faith he has lost? Or if he does still believe it and is just saying he doesn’t for political expediency, how can I trust that he is ever saying what he believes? Either way, very troubling.

Summer Sandy8:15 am 04 Oct 24

Ask Peter Cain directly, I’m sure he will answer you. Matthew 18:15-17

HiddenDragon9:00 pm 03 Oct 24

“Elizabeth Lee proposes that he will be the man writing laws for the Territory,” he said. “You look at that textbook that he wrote this century, this century – that gives you an insight into his views.”

Whereas the exquisitely enlightened views and performative behaviours of the Barr-Rattenbury government have delivered outcomes like this –


This storm in a keep cup is yet another example of the almost complete lack of insight and acknowledged irony on the part of a government and its cheer squad which are drowning in moral condescension, proselytizing, and “it’s for your own good paternalism” – all done in the name of unofficial religions.

Won’t Labor’s misinformation bill cleanup all these things once and for all. I look for it to never being allowed an opinion.


One of the known right wing Christian extremists on the Liberal ticket, expressed in 2002 (arguably at that time) controversial views on “the colonisation of Australia and race relations between First Nations and the British” and this is newsworthy? Especially as he has recently said he no longer holds those views.

This article makes for gloomy reading into Liberal party thinking! The image of Peter Cain above sums up pretty well his pompous and bombastic attitude to others he disagrees with. Unfortunately Mr Cain is the type of right-wing nutter the party keeps giving us!

Peter Cain is the Canberra Liberals’ top law spokesperson and he wants to become Attorney-General! Mr Cain’s vile opinions are endemic in the party. Last election we saw one of the party’s sitting MLA’s forced to apologise for using derogatory and homophobic slurs against another candidate. Just three weeks ago one of the party’s MLA’s was dumped for breaches of electoral laws and mistreating staff. Just last week the party refused demands to disendorse a candidate for using a pseudonym to post vile and racist comments to social media. Now it is revealed the party’s top law spokesperson Peter Cain has written racist educational material whilst employed as a Christian educator.

Despite these revelations the party leader Elizabeth Lee refuses to take affirmative action and dump him. Again she fronts the media claiming there is nothing to see as the party is a broad church with many views!

What a cowardly cop out and another slap in the face for Canberra voters!

This is the original Guardian article for those who want a bit of an insight into Canberra Liberal party thinking.

What Mr Cain wrote back then sounds poorly written but is factually correct.

After the last election, Liberals had a chance to ditch all of the extremists the Canberra electorate keeps rejecting, but instead of putting forward a moderate conservative alternative government, they chose to try to hide these clowns behind Elizabeth Lee who is hardly a moderate herself.

GrumpyGrandpa4:20 pm 03 Oct 24

When politicians (in this case the CM) try to score political points against an opponent by dredging up something that is 20-25 years old, they leave themselves, and their party, open for the same grubby muck racking.

CM, are you human? Did you ever say, write something or have an opinion you now regret?

CM, maybe concentrate on developing good policy that the ACT taxpayers can afford.

Haha, the ALP are truly getting frightened about this upcoming election, ably helped by their friends in the media.

It’s actually looking a bit desperate now.

I am sure there are those in the community who find the vile and racist opinions of Peter Cain acceptable chewy as comments such as yours reveal! Mr Cain’s religious and racist beliefs are well known within the Canberra Liberals as well as in the community!

Thankfully people are more enlightened these days and less accepting of racist and outlandish beliefs such as those held by Mr Cain and the Canberra Liberals!

I’m sure that anyone with a brain can see how obvious this set up is just before an election.

About an opinion someone may have had 20+ years ago.

Of course in your substantial time, you’ve just happened to jump on the issue with all the pre-prepared talking points from ALP HQ.

Particularly funny from you Jack who for months have been complaining about how negative the Liberals supposedly have been, when the entire ALP campaign is as negative as you could possibly get.

Dan Rackshack3:54 pm 03 Oct 24

He’s apologised, move on. It’s from a journal written at the turn of the century. Australia and the world is a very different place since then and the way we discuss these issues has changed remarkably.

No doubt Barr is behind this, and instead of working on Territory matters as he should be, he’s trying to drum up culture wars. We are better than this as a Territory. Next story please.

Definitely. All I have seen from Barr this campaign is negative messaging and dirty politics no real policy or vision. Interesting that Bushnell has not written about that.

I don’t remember people’s thinking to be that backwards at the turn of this century Dan Rackshack!

Maybe this type of thinking was only found in the Canberra Liberals and still prevails!

Once again Ian Bushnell regurgitating what Andrew Barr says. It is getting very boring and tedious from Ian. It was over 20 years ago. How is this even news, sounds more like Labor propaganda

What a beat up this was nearly 25 years ago! Disgraceful mudslinging from the media

Who actually cares about this other than his competition?

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