It was reported on the local TV news last night that Canberra families pay the highest fees for childcare in the nation. In the same report it was announced that a change would be made to ‘red tape’ to eliminate a $30 application fee for certain child care workers.
Apparently experienced child care workers already in management or supervisory positions will now not need to individually lodge $30 applications to receive ‘supervisor certificates’ after June 1 this year.
(Only those looking to step up into supervisory roles will need to apply)
The report implied that parents could be in line for some “hip-pocket relief” from these changes.
Whilst I applaud any changes and efficiencies that can be gained – I’m not sure that I believe I will see my fees reduce from the $100+ per day
(from the reduction of a one-off $30 fee per child care worker).
Does anyone have better intell?