{First filed: Jan 25, 2010 @ 16:37]

So there I was this very Australia Day Eve and what should I see while browsing the excellent Things Bogans Like but my own photo! At least they had the decency to leave the bug mark on.
Canberra’s very own making the viral big time. I couldn’t be prouder, if a little annoyed about not being asked.
Slightly eerily the photo was taken at the 2009 concert. So now the wheel has come full circle.
UPDATE: After a pleasant chat with “bogan one” a credit has now been inserted. And to the moronic freetards Aurelius and Steve Eh I say “Don’t give up your day jobs for a career in the law (or even for anything else other than what you’ve fooled some poor sap into paying you for)”
Further update: On Australia Day itself I started getting calls and texts that this photo was appearing on a website called mamamia.com.au.
As I possess testicles this meant little to me and so it was only last night that I checked it out (I did have a blisteringly awesome Australia Day even by my own high standards).
I was then astonished to discover that no less than Mia Freedman runs the site. The Queen of the punditocracy, the former editor in chief of Cosmopolitan, Cleo and Dolly.
I was both surprised and appalled.
I sent a furious email, I BCC’d friends who expressed alarm at my vehemence. At noon the next day we got a response by way of an apology in the now superseded story and an email offering apologies. The photo has been removed.
A few things annoy me here. One is that a pundit who regularly moralises to vast audiences can engage in casual theft, even if “in error”. The other one is that in the context of an “Australia Day Live!” concert where people are encouraged to wear the flag the picture has very different meaning to the places it’s being stolen for use.
So I’d like to apologise to the subjects of the photo. I took the photo in good faith for use in context. I have gone to some lengths to catch up with its inappropriate use. But I’m sorry that thieves trying to make a cheap point have branded you as something that you might not be.