Richard Mulcahy has the lunatic notion that Canberra is somehow missing out on the chance to snap up Sydney’s lost movie production.
Sydney’s share of film production in the past year has dropped from 80 per cent to 47 per cent according to reports, and red tape and location fees are being cited as factors contributing to the decline. It is a real pity that Sydney’s ‘grab for cash’ through high location fees has not been seen as an opportunity by the ACT Government to encourage the use of the Canberra as a location for film production. With excellent light, low traffic levels and proximity to Sydney for technical expertise, Canberra should have been chasing this business that Sydney has enjoyed for many years.
Yeah, right. Try no international airport, no skyline to speak of, an exchange rate less favourable than competing destinations, and no buzz whatsoever. But hey, let’s throw money at consultants who can report failure in a few years time.
Making things easy for locals to make films on the other hand, is a very different matter.
[Thanks to IBN for the head’s up]