THE federal Government is considering using a strike force to drive greater efficiencies in its technology operations.The group could operate as part of the Australian Government Information Management Office.
Finance Minister Lindsay Tanner has asked that Peter Gershon look at beefing up AGIMO’s responsibilities as part of his review of the government’s $6 billion annual IT spending.
So far, the office has largely focused on developing web-based initiatives for the government, such as its Wiki-based platform, GovDex and the $42 million central online portal, australia. “The difficulty we’ve got at the moment is that AGIMO’s role is very limited because you’ve got all the decision-making responsibility in individual agencies,” Mr Tanner said.
“I wouldn’t pre-empt the outcomes of the Gershon Review, but a specific thing we’ve asked him to report on is options for a more centrally co-ordinated set of arrangements, and that by definition would involve AGIMO or an equivalent playing a bigger role in technology projects.”
This includes the idea of assembling an IT strike force of experienced IT campaigners to direct projects across the government’s 800-plus agencies.
How cool! a strike force.
just what we need to combat frivolous spending in government departments….
for the full article, see here: (,24897,23762858-15306,00.html)
have many of you heard about Peter Gershon and his task to simplify the purchasing and implementation processes for ICT within the federal government? this guy appears to be a one-man committee…