Canberra garage sales this weekend in Red Hill, Chifley, Braddon, Fisher, Deakin, Giralang, Weston Creek, Curtin, Evatt, O’Connor, Monash, Hughes and Torrens. Happy Friday!
Saturday 12 September
13 Bavin Street Curtin
7am to 11.30am
Books, magazines, cookware, crockery, cushions, desk lamp, a full set of golf clubs and bag, baskets, costume jewellery, plus furniture including vintage cane chairs, butlers tables, free-standing vintage mirror, child’s timber desk and two desk chairs – one leather and the other a stylish timber one, and lots more. All items are at great prices!
33 Bamford Street Hughes
7.30am to 3pm
Household items, kitchenware, crockery, linen, blankets, rugs, ceiling fans, books, potted shrubs, new cosmetics and more.
20 Boobialla Street O’Connor
7am to 2pm
Moving interstate, all will go. Selling cheap.
33 Norman Street Deakin
8am to 12pm
Kitchen appliances, wall units, two door fridge, gas barbecue, kids bikes, leaf mulcher and more.
179 Monaro Crescent Red Hill
8am to 1pm
Kitchen and household goods, Sheridan quilt covers, table cloths, books, lamps, clothing, shoes, garden pots, wall tiles and more. View items.
14 Wanaga Place Giralang
8am to 1pm
Lots of great household items.
Totterdell Street Belconnen
8am to 2pm
Furniture (indoor and outdoor), clothes, books, DVDs, kitchen gear, garden tools and more. Follow the signs from the roundabout at Luxton and Josephson Streets.
Montagu Place Evatt
8am to 3pm
Kitchen items, bed linen, single bed ensemble, wall unit, fridge, outdoor setting, books and more.
11 Nymagee Place Fisher
8am to 4pm
Dell laptop, Samsung tablet, cameras, blender, donut maker, electric grill, curtains, cordless broom, air conditioner and more. View items.
49 Batchelor Street Torrens
8am to 4pm
Treasures from five different households, including furniture, electrical, books, videos, games, bike, pool, violin, outdoor furniture, beach gear and more. There will also be a bake sake with delicious goodies for sale – all proceeds to be donated to the Canberra Lost Pets Database. View items.
38 Sturdee Crescent Monash
8.30am to 12pm
Kids clothes, toys, bouncer, bumbo, baby bean bag, tricycles, play mat, stroller and more. View items.
33 Dargie Street Weston Creek
9am to 12pm
Tables, chairs, bedside cabinets, filing cabinet, pictures, rugs, mirrors, nespresso coffee machine, microwave and much more to be sold after downsizing.
Montagu Place Evatt
9am to 12pm
Kitchen items, bed linen, single bed ensemble, wall unit, fridge, outdoor setting, books and more.
60 Maclaurin Crescent Chifley
10am to 4pm
Join the Chifley Preschool community to welcome the warm weather with live music, face painting, jumping castle, sausage sizzle, ice-cream, toys and books, garden stalls, cake stalls, and amazing raffle prizes drawn on the day.
7 Alphard Place Giralang
1pm to 3pm
Fridge, timber entertainment units, queen sized bed and mattress, office desks, bunk bed, swing sets, trampoline and more. View items.
Sunday 13 September
Currong Street North Braddon
8am to 3.30pm
Electrical goods, computer screens, food dehydrator, foot spa, cameras and lighting equipment, bags, watches, clothing and a big box of free miscellaneous items.
7 Alphard Place Giralang
1pm to 3pm
Fridge, timber entertainment units, queen sized bed and mattress, office desks, bunk bed, swing sets, trampoline and more. View items.
To include your listing in an upcoming allclassifieds Canberra weekend garage sale guide, upload your garage sale details for free on allclassifieds.com.au.
As one seller mentioned in a recent garage sale listing, “Strictly no early bargain vultures… unless bearing free industrial-strength coffee and artisan-made croissants for vendors.” Please respect sellers by arriving during scheduled hours.