The RAN has posted a photo of HMAS Perth arriving in Sydney on her acceptance trials with her very exciting phased array radar designed and built by Canberra’s CEA Technologies.
The exciting new bit is that big bit forward of the funnels.
If all goes well a great number of navies will be beating a path to CEA’s Fyshwick door to get these things as it will go a long way to bringing the capabilities (in particular missile defence) of an Air Warfare Destroyer to much smaller frigates and corvettes.
UPDATE: And a day later here she goes whacking an Evolved Sea Sparrow into an aerial target off Jervis Bay:

The Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile launches from the Vertical Launch System on board HMAS PERTH. Following the Anti-Ship Missile Defence (ASMD) Upgrade to lead ship HMAS PERTH (CAPT Mal Wise), a test and evaluation period on 8 MAY 2011 was successfully completed after firing it’s first Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile at a remotely piloted air target off Jervis Bay, NSW. PERTH is the first RAN ship to utilise the Australian designed and developed Phase Array Radar to detect, track and engage the remotely piloted air target.