John Hargreaves has put out a media release explaining the new laws, intended to prevent animal cruelty, being debated this week.
I’m not a fan of animal cruelty, but I’m even less of a fan of changing laws just to give MLA’s a reason for being. So I’m a little concerned that the justification for these ones rests on the number of complaints.
“Statistics compiled by the RSPCA indicate the ACT was one of only three jurisdictions in Australia where the number of cruelty complaints increased over the previous five years. In 2001–2002 there were 601 cruelty complaints, while in 2004–2005 this had risen to 746,†Mr Hargreaves said.
Complaints?? Did the RSPCA in the ACT get a new receptionist in the previous 5 years? Did we get better at complaining? (I suspect we did)
We’re changing the law based on unsubstantiated whingeing?
Awww but it’s for the cute fluffy wuffy animals with their widdle furry faces. What kind of Monster could be against anything for them?
UPDATED: Never to be outdone for dickhead populism Liberal MLA Bill Stefaniak has put out a media release saying not enough his being done for our furry little friends.