The Chromites are taking another swing with Krave in the Civic, posting this to Facebook:
Chromies! The decision has been made. It was not an easy choice. The Core Chrome Corps have been negotiating, discussing, meeting and analysing feedback like people possessed.
We have worked our little butts off to give you the best event we can. Krave has come to the party by promising vast improvements on ALL concerns from the last event. Not only that but they have delivered even more Chrome than you have ever seen before.
$10 if you are dressed to impress in Goth/Industrial/Cyber/etc gear.2 ROOMS! Club house will be ours as a private function up until 11:30pm. We will be pumping old school goth and industrial tunes for your listening pleasure from 9pm onwards. There is a bar, sitting area and dance floor in the Klub Haus, shortening drink lines and expanding music style coverage. This means more awesome for you no matter what your tastes!
More staff!
Massive sound!
Video screens!
Pool tables!All facilities will be improved prior to the event and maintained on the night. We have listened and so have Krave. Your entertainment, safety and comfort are paramount in our eyes because we love you!
Zentar be with you.