As a registered AllHomes user (who isn’t?) I had this email last night but as a public service we’re letting everyone know:
Dear Allhomes User,
Allhomes have been advised by CityNews management that a technical error on their side has occurred with the 1 December CityNews edition. As a result of this error the 1 December edition has been printed with the Allhomes Canberra Region Property Summary from 2 weeks ago.
The property details on Allhomes are correct and therefore for many of you this will have no impact; however, if you look to confirm the details using the CityNews liftout these will not align.
Please find attached a link to the Open for Inspections area of Allhomes:
Please also find attached the correct version of the Allhomes / CityNews liftout (pdf format).
Both CityNews and Allhomes apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Tim White, Chief Executive Officer – Allhomes
And here’s the correct version.
The bogans are back in town with all the unsupervised burnouts and noise accompaniment. The Barton… View