Just to open the batting… did anyone notice the Canberra Times article page 7 entitled “Aid for island nations hit by warming a moral duty”?
It contains a picture of an island under water. Yeah right. This is a picture of a swimming pool in an island resort, the Sheraton Fiji (I think) has one such swimming pool. There is a snack bar at a level where you swim up to it to get snacks and drinks. Don’t let a fact get in the way! Sprung CT!
The article however, does raise some concerns. This is a really big issue for the islanders.
I went to Kiribati in 1998 as part of a Commonwealth Parliamentary Association gig. I was a newly minted MLA. The conference taught me heaps about parliamentary procedure and purity but enough of that some other time.
Talking to the locals, I found that they had three big concerns.
The first was power – they ran their power off diesel generators and they had to have the diesel delivered by sea. Always a bit precarious.
The second was water. Although surrounded by sea water, rainfall was not all that plentiful and they had often to rely on imported water.
But the biggest concern they had was rising sea water. The Island of Tarawa was only a metre and a half or so above sea level and a decent tsunami or king tide would wash clean over the island.
However, they were really concerned that the rising of sea levels would eventually see their island submerged.
The conference discussed what next. One issue was… what could be done to save the island. Answer – nothing. A climate sceptic from New Zealand thought it was just a natural evolutionary thing and nothing to do with global warming exacerbated by mankind. I disagreed.
Another issue was … who was responsible and what should they do to help. This caused the cats to scatter!
Most blamed the industrialized nations of China and the US. Others blamed the whole world saying that the UN should co-ordinate a rescue package and that the member countries should chip in to pay for it. Yeah right again. The US is always behind in its payments to the UN anyway!
The same thoughts were shared with me when I visited Vanuatu with my grandsons’ footy team, New Caledonia when I went there for a holiday. And these are only some of the islands I have visited and talked to the locals about stuff.
Any thoughts?