Kremlinologists rejoice, in a clear sign from the London Circuit Soviet that the k-10 mega school debate has been considered beyond the capabilities of the Minister Not Responsible, Katy Gallagher, the Chief Minister has tag teamed into the ring to go a few rounds with Liberal spokesperson, Vicki Dunne.
Amazingly the Chief Minister praises the excellence of private schools as justification for his proposed new system and even goes on to bleed for the poor parents of students at those schools who are having to put up with Vicki’s demonisation of their system of choice. Never mind the 5 years of abuse his government has heaped on those parents.
I suspect it’s more values and discipline that the parents at those schools think they’re paying for, rather than just an enourmous school.
Vicki has responded by calling for a public cage fight with Our Brave Leader.
I can’t say I’m so keen to see either of them in spandex. But if they could do something with masks it might help.
[UPDATED: Vicki has put out an alarmingly literate media release in rebuttal]