To the editor, ‘The Canberra Cyclist’
Cycling projects under threat.
A magnificent Pedal Power effort, in the lead-up to the 2008 election, led to the ACT Government committing $9.3 million in the 2009 Budget for new capital cycling works.
At the first meeting of the Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Working Group, in November 2010, the ACT Government presented Pedal Power and other participants with a proposal to fund a small number of expensive projects, rather than a larger number of more cost-effective projects.
This proposal is likely to succeed, unless Pedal Power insists that the Government prioritise projects according to their cost-effectiveness rather than according to their “Multi-Criteria Analysis” (MCA) scores.
This is especially critical, given that the Government can only fund a small proportion of the $50 million of potential projects.
70% of the MCA score is determined by factors for which projects score higher simply by being larger: connectivity; demand; network enhancement; and strategic importance. Larger projects tend to be more expensive.
If the Government chooses more expensive projects, it can fund fewer of them.
Pedal Power needs to present its position to the Government by the February 2011 meeting of the Walking and Cycling Infrastructure Working Group.