7 August 2013

Cyclist not helping 'The Cause"

| padge48
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Time: 8.30ish Monday 5/8/13.

Place : stationary at left turn from intersection of Melrose drive and Hindmarsh drive

gingerbearded middleaged cyclist charged into my Subaru rear vision mirror (I was not in the cycle lane)

I stopped further up to remonstrate with him .He laughed and took evasive action.

Have seen him since, pedalling slowly up Adelaide Avenue. Maybe a good idea in all areas for this guy…

Police have been informed.

Score: Lost: one female supporter (previous) of cyclists in Canberra

There is a name for such guys but I am too ladylike to use it online.

Police have been given details by the way.

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Tim33 said :

Cyclists do seem to get angry and go off a lot more than car drivers in my experience. I have been abused many a time by cyclists, when on foot and when in my car. Sometimes it is justified, most of the time it is not. Sometimes they are simply hard to see and come out of nowhere.

This light-hearted article may give some clues:
Essentially, it often comes down to what’s at stake – the “overtaking a cyclist while turning left” is a very common and dangerous manoeuvre. At best, the driver might shave a couple of seconds off their trip (though more often they still wait just as long at the next red light). At worst, the motorist gets a little scratch on the left-side of his/her car and the cyclist ends up dead (as happened to former cyclist James Thomas Keenan). I don’t know many people who wouldn’t feel some animosity when their life was put at serious risk just so another road user could reduce their ~20 minute commute by a couple of seconds.

True, a cyclist is smaller and harder to see, often less predictable (though this shouldn’t be the case) and more vulnerable in traffic when compared to a car. If you remember that when I’m on my bike, the next time I’m driving a coach, I’ll try to remember that cars are smaller, harder to see, often less predictable (again, this shouldn’t be the case) and more vulnerable in traffic when compared to a coach. Understanding relationship between a variety of road users is just part of driving, and why there greater controls on people to driving larger, heavier vehicles (ie. car compared to bicycle, bus/truck compared to car, etc.).

Tim33 said :

@ Aeek,

I always pull over into the cycle lane to take a call, I didn’t think it is illegal is it?

Not if you’re cycling – that’s the only time you could legally be in a cycle lane (unless you’re turning across it at an intersection).

Tim33 said :

@ Aeek,
I always pull over into the cycle lane to take a call, I didn’t think it is illegal is it?

Assuming you are not trolling.. (which I find disturbing in itself)

Please, put yourself in the position of the cyclist trying to cycle somewhere in that lane.
The choices you have given them (by your actions) are to stop, lift bike onto the footpath, and cycle around the safest way. The alternative is to veer right, into the traffic, and take the less safe route. Now pretend you are a teenager, or an elderly person, and put yourself in their position.

Forget the letter of the law (like most Canberrans seems to do), and just think like a cyclist for a moment. Think about the safety of the other road users, and then the answer will become clear to you.


i saw a cyclist in the cycle lane on Northbourne last week, traveling in the opposite direction to the flow of traffic.

i’m sure that worked out well for the cyclists coming towards him.

Tim33 said :

@ Aeek,

I always pull over into the cycle lane to take a call, I didn’t think it is illegal is it?

Are you just trolling? Or are you someone who drives a car and who has zero knowledge of the road laws?

Aeek said :

poetix said :

scentednightgardens said :



It means ‘I agree with the statement above, and would like to emphasise the salient points made there.’ It’s a little like drawing a line under it, to emphasise it.

More, not only agree but this is at the heart of the matter.


I have now heard/read three versions of this event. Only things I am sure of is something happened, and the guy on the bike could not be described as having a ginger beard.

Wordwright99 said :

What I saw from a few cars back was you drive into the cyclist before the turn lane commenced, then accelerate as the cyclist tried to go round and then drive the cyclist into the gutter and clip them eith you wing mirror as they filtered through on the turn. Seriously, I hope you did report it and I hope you get you dues. If you can’t stay in you lane, stay off the road

This was my initial thought when I read the thread but rather than make up a scenario like so many Rioters do I kept that one to myself.

If this is true, the OP has been outed and needs to give way to slower traffic when negotiating an intersection. Just because you nose your car in front of the bike, they still have the right of way and it doesnt give you the right to turn over on them and force them to stop.

Here, I have googled a video to show you what not to do: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m2q2u2WA3s

FioBla said :

Tim33 said :

Cyclists do seem to get angry and go off a lot more than car drivers in my experience. I have been abused many a time by cyclists, when on foot and when in my car. Sometimes it is justified, most of the time it is not. Sometimes they are simply hard to see and come out of nowhere.

Well, even though the ACT has an equal gender population, 72% of bicycle commuters are male.

Squashed Package Syndrome (SPS).

Tim33 said :

I always pull over into the cycle lane to take a call, I didn’t think it is illegal is it?

From ACT/AFP Police:
The driver of a vehicle…must not use a mobile phone that the driver is holding in his or her hand while the vehicle is moving, or is stationary but not parked…

So if the engine is running, then you’re not parked, so it is illegal. But, if you switch the engine off and “park it”, then your’e illegally parked in a cycle lane (I’d hope).

Wordwright9910:33 am 08 Aug 13

What I saw from a few cars back was you drive into the cyclist before the turn lane commenced, then accelerate as the cyclist tried to go round and then drive the cyclist into the gutter and clip them eith you wing mirror as they filtered through on the turn. Seriously, I hope you did report it and I hope you get you dues. If you can’t stay in you lane, stay off the road

DrKoresh said :

dtc said :

Time: 8.30ish Monday 5/8/13.

Place : lights on Macarthur Avenue

Young lady in small hatchback drives through red light at crossing.

Police have not been informed since this happens all the time.

Score: Lost: not much since this is expected from Canberra drivers.

Yeah but the lights at crossings are a crappy example. Often you’ll have a lone pedestrian, or even a cyclist who pushes the button, cross as soon as the light turns red for traffic and then there’s just a row of cars waiting for non-existent pedestrians for the next 60 odd seconds. I still don’t think people should run red lights, but this is a case where it’s much more forgivable than at say, an intersection.


Ok, so long as you dont complain about me going through red lights on my bike, because I havent pushed the button to turn the light green so as to prevent the poor motorist from having to sit at the lights for about 14 seconds.

Anyway, for my example I was actually just about to cross over. Indeed, with my young children. Fortunately I noticed said driver was not going to be stopping before allowing children to head across the road.

Tim33 said :

Cyclists do seem to get angry and go off a lot more than car drivers in my experience. I have been abused many a time by cyclists, when on foot and when in my car. Sometimes it is justified, most of the time it is not. Sometimes they are simply hard to see and come out of nowhere.

@ Aeek,

I always pull over into the cycle lane to take a call, I didn’t think it is illegal is it?

Speaking fro myself, I have a propensigty to go off at the slightest thing when I am riding. I put it down to the fact that I am usually riding as hard as I can and my adrenalin it running high. I really have to be concious about going off at the slightest thing that crosses my path when I am on the road.

That combined with the fact that in a 30km ride, I might have 3-4 incidents like someone in a car chopping me off in a roundabout, avoiding a dog off lead, having a pedestrian walk across the path without looking, other riders not passing safely ect. The comnination of bad event on a ride can put you into a heightened sense of awareness.

99% of rides are good and there are no issues but one day when all the holes in the swiss cheese align………….

No excuse for bad behavior though.

Tim33 said :

Cyclists do seem to get angry and go off a lot more than car drivers in my experience. I have been abused many a time by cyclists, when on foot and when in my car. Sometimes it is justified, most of the time it is not. Sometimes they are simply hard to see and come out of nowhere.

Well, even though the ACT has an equal gender population, 72% of bicycle commuters are male.

And, as we all know, men are dickheads. Especially middle aged men.

And those tailgating cyclists in white Commodores! They’re the worst.

(“Canberra-Queanbeyan had 2.7 male bicycle commuters for every female bicycle commuter in 2011, below the average ratio of 3.3:1 across the major cities.” at https://www.infrastructure.gov.au/infrastructure/mcu/soac/files/factsheets_2013/CanberraQueanbeyan_Factsheet_FA.pdf)

My contribution to the generalist brush that is tacitly allowed when discussing cyclists, bus drivers, public servants. Or other car drivers, other shoppers, other “not me” groups of people.

Supporter (previous) of men in Australia.

Ben_Dover said :

ceejbee said :

Otherwise, you might as well use his actions to hate on all men, all bearded people and all ginger haired people.

I thought it was compulsory to hate beardies and gingers?

Maybe it was the doofus from the Googong ad? Love the thinking that made him the front man of an entire campaign…

Cyclists do seem to get angry and go off a lot more than car drivers in my experience. I have been abused many a time by cyclists, when on foot and when in my car. Sometimes it is justified, most of the time it is not. Sometimes they are simply hard to see and come out of nowhere.

@ Aeek,

I always pull over into the cycle lane to take a call, I didn’t think it is illegal is it?

I have a mate who goes off over someone pulled over in the bike lane taking a call.
Me, I’m glad that they are not driving on their mobile.

La_Tour_Maubourg said :

Had a run in at the same intersection. About 7:20am. Turning left onto Hindmarsh from northbound Melrose – stopped before the bicycle lane to allow the cyclist to proceed, however copped all sorts of abuse from the cyclist in which gave the perfect opportunity to say what I thought of arrogant cyclists. Probably the same person.

Not you if so? More reacting to the OP.

La_Tour_Maubourg10:05 pm 07 Aug 13

Had a run in at the same intersection. About 7:20am. Turning left onto Hindmarsh from northbound Melrose – stopped before the bicycle lane to allow the cyclist to proceed, however copped all sorts of abuse from the cyclist in which gave the perfect opportunity to say what I thought of arrogant cyclists. Probably the same person.

poetix said :

scentednightgardens said :



It means ‘I agree with the statement above, and would like to emphasise the salient points made there.’ It’s a little like drawing a line under it, to emphasise it.

More, not only agree but this is at the heart of the matter.

scentednightgardens said :

Bit off topic – but KB1971 – and Barcham and others. Wondering if someone could explain what


…means, as a response to other’s comments? I have managed to figure LOL and LMFAO out. But,



It means ‘I agree with the statement above, and would like to emphasise the salient points made there.’ It’s a little like drawing a line under it, to emphasise it.

scentednightgardens said :

Bit off topic – but KB1971 – and Barcham and others. Wondering if someone could explain what


…means, as a response to other’s comments? I have managed to figure LOL and LMFAO out. But,




Have I got this right? You were heading east on Hindmarsh, queued in the left turn lane waiting for the left car lane on Melrose to clear so you could turn left. The cyclist wasn’t in the bike lane as there is no bike lane on the left there. There is a bike lane on Melrose so once he got there, he could freely turn left unless there was a cyclist coming. You didn’t leave quite enough space on your left for him to pass. Note that it was also legal to pass on the right if he stayed entirely in the same lane, but it gets old fast switching to the right to pass those blocking the left, and back to the left. I also wouldn’t want to be caught on the right when you started moving.

Oh noes, he knocked your mirror ! Any damage apart from needing to adjust it ?

If they decide to put an unnecessary bike lane on the left there, I guess we’ll have you to thank.

bundah said :

gingerbearded middleaged cyclist charged into my Subaru rear vision mirror

Bloody hell did you have your tailgate open? Or did you mean he hit your left hand door mirror?

More to the point, did he actually damage anything?

I read a great line today,

“..the same atmosphere of genteel money-worship, position-worship and suffused indignation – an indignation that did not require any object for its existence, but could always find one in a short space of time…”

Who would have thought that the intellectually vacant and mannerless pube-infested Canberra could so resemble the late-18th-century community of social-climbers such as this “vulgar woman” of “unprincipled rectitude”, “too much taken up with being right” about whom I am reading?

canberracath7:24 pm 07 Aug 13

ceejbee said :

Sounds like that guy is a knob, hopefully he’ll get in to trouble. Maybe you should just hate on him rather than all cyclists. Otherwise, you might as well use his actions to hate on all men, all bearded people and all ginger haired people. Maybe all middle aged people too.


scentednightgardens7:08 pm 07 Aug 13

Bit off topic – but KB1971 – and Barcham and others. Wondering if someone could explain what


…means, as a response to other’s comments? I have managed to figure LOL and LMFAO out. But,



How_Canberran6:43 pm 07 Aug 13

ginger bearded mmmm? Don’t worry magpie season starts shortly.

How Canberran.

Mike Bessenger6:27 pm 07 Aug 13

It’s possible you didn’t realise and nearly killed him at a previous intersection or on a previous day.

> …middleaged…

Middleaged people suck.

gingerbearded middleaged cyclist charged into my Subaru rear vision mirror

Bloody hell did you have your tailgate open? Or did you mean he hit your left hand door mirror?

dtc said :

Time: 8.30ish Monday 5/8/13.

Place : lights on Macarthur Avenue

Young lady in small hatchback drives through red light at crossing.

Police have not been informed since this happens all the time.

Score: Lost: not much since this is expected from Canberra drivers.

Yeah but the lights at crossings are a crappy example. Often you’ll have a lone pedestrian, or even a cyclist who pushes the button, cross as soon as the light turns red for traffic and then there’s just a row of cars waiting for non-existent pedestrians for the next 60 odd seconds. I still don’t think people should run red lights, but this is a case where it’s much more forgivable than at say, an intersection.

Time: 2:20pm Wednesday 07/08/13
Place: the-riotact.com

Another cyclist vs. driver thread!

ceejbee said :

Otherwise, you might as well use his actions to hate on all men, all bearded people and all ginger haired people.

I thought it was compulsory to hate beardies and gingers?

Oops. I clicked on this thinking it was this morning’s cyclist related post. A new evolution on riotact, morning and afternoon edition cycling posts!

PS Yes, the gingerbread…beard… guy is a knob.

So I take it you’ve never encountered a rude driver in Canberra because if you had, you would no longer be supporter of drivers in Canberra.

Cyclists huh!
I would have either followed him to his destination (hopefully work) and got his details from somewhere like reception.
Failing that I would have stopped the car across his cycle lane blocking as much space as possible (I wouldn’t even be concerned with stopping traffic), waited until he got closer, and if he didn’t stop, I’d knock him off his bike.
People like that deserve to be run over – plain and simple.

Time: 8.30ish Monday 5/8/13.

Place : lights on Macarthur Avenue

Young lady in small hatchback drives through red light at crossing.

Police have not been informed since this happens all the time.

Score: Lost: not much since this is expected from Canberra drivers.

ceejbee said :

Sounds like that guy is a knob, hopefully he’ll get in to trouble. Maybe you should just hate on him rather than all cyclists. Otherwise, you might as well use his actions to hate on all men, all bearded people and all ginger haired people. Maybe all middle aged people too.


i will use it “knob”

Sounds like that guy is a knob, hopefully he’ll get in to trouble. Maybe you should just hate on him rather than all cyclists. Otherwise, you might as well use his actions to hate on all men, all bearded people and all ginger haired people. Maybe all middle aged people too.

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