3 October 2008

Damien Lakin - You really stole that flag from the wrong place

| johnboy
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[First filed: August 04, 2008 @ 14:10]

The ABC reports that one Damien Lakin, 18, has copped a good behaviour order for stealing an Australian flag from, wait for it, the National Police Memorial in Kings Park.

    Damien Lakin was charged with receiving stolen property after police found the flag in his car on the Queen’s Birthday weekend in June.

    The ACT Magistrates Court heard he intended to display it on his bedroom wall.

Silly silly silly. Nick it from Macdonalds and no-one would care.

Or better yet, buy your own from the post office.

UPDATED: Damian’s mates have weighed into the comments here with their justifications of memorial desecration. Readers who normally eschew the comments are advised not to miss this. Here’s just one example:

    “Has anyone seen that memorial at night? it looks like a big wall covered in pretty lil lights and a heap of flags… u have no clue its a memorial sight”

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peterh said :

PBO said :

Maybe Todd Carney could pen his apology. But good on the kid for having a sense of adventure, the first flag i stole was from a visiting american ship when i was in the services. They were so freakin annoyed that an Aussie had slipped past their guards and taken the holiest of holies for them. I still have the flag.

he could have picked one up from duntroon. I am certain the cadets would have been helpful in teaching him the error of his ways.

by getting pissed then taking him for a ride in their lexus at 160kph in a 60 zone towards a concrete barrier?

It could be a possibility they are posting like this because they are getting a reaction from other posters.

I had a long weekend once.

G’day all I’m checking in after a cracker of a night which is being added to my classic nights out collection. I was admittedly late for work, a little worse for wear and missed the managers meeting but after a chicken burger at lunch was feeling much better. Off to the coast now for some dives tomorrow.

Thanks to Peterh, Skid and Granny for another fun sims challenge. Peterh the image of your father sharpening up his bayonet ready to take on the flag thieves had me cracking up at work this arvo.

Granny cheers for icecream at whatever the hell time in the morning that was and for laughing at… well pretty much everything smiley face winky thingy (I’m morally against emoticons)

Enjoy the long weekend all.

On topic as well its not really stealing its called procurement and soldiers and cops are masters at petty theft in my experience.

Loquaciousness7:36 pm 03 Oct 08

Granny said :

Yes, that was bad of me indeed!


Disgussion for all!! The dohnuts are on the house.

Oooh … well isn’t that just fine and dandy 🙂


qtpie111 said :

entertaining 2 14 and 15 year old girls

You guys are 14? Wow.

Not a great advertisement for our education system.

Yes, that was bad of me indeed!


Disgussion for all!! The dohnuts are on the house.

Loquaciousness6:14 pm 03 Oct 08

Granny said :

I guess we should just take our ‘disgussion about dohnuts’ and other ‘petty converstaions’ offline.


Just as soon as I find out what they are ….

; )

No! Surely not! And deprive ‘2 14 and 15 year old girls’ of their entertainment? How heartless of you Granny 😉

I guess we should just take our ‘disgussion about dohnuts’ and other ‘petty converstaions’ offline.


Just as soon as I find out what they are ….

; )

Loquaciousness6:03 pm 03 Oct 08

qtpie111 said :

lol your all so funny the whole thing turned into a disgussion about dohnuts

If you really want to see a discussion (disgussion? Is that like the offal thread? A disgusting discussion?) that went off-topic, go check out the sheep lawnmower thread 😉

See, I can get even off-topic in my own comments! Wheeee!


Loquaciousness6:00 pm 03 Oct 08

The fact that we’re entertaining anyone other than ourselves, entertains me immensely 🙂


I would suspect that a certain percentage of the male population would be rather pleased to hear that, cutie.

lol your all so funny the whole thing turned into a disgussion about dohnuts well thats all fine and dandy but i dont think anyone cares god this riot act thing is the funniest thing i have ever read in my life god your all so amusing how does it feel to know that your idiotic behaviour is entertaining 2 14 and 15 year old girls hahahaha petty converstaions

Well so far it’s:

Skid: check
Granny: check
peterh: check
sleaz274: unaccounted for

he should be making an appearance now…

Alive hopefully.


Granny said :

Not easy after last night, peterh, but I am remarkably resilient!!


wonder how sleaze274 ended up?

Not easy after last night, peterh, but I am remarkably resilient!!


Granny said :

I doubt he would go that far ….

; )

granny, good to see you are back in fine form…

I doubt he would go that far ….

; )

Deadmandrinking2:08 pm 03 Oct 08

Special G said :

This would be the thread where I completely agree with everything DMD has said. Way to go champions of ‘the champion’ you have me agreeing with DMD. I must get myself a txt spk dictionary.

Even about me having a brain and headbonius lacking one?

My brother in law is commemorated on that wall. He died on duty more than two maybe three decades ago. The opening of it was very moving, lots of families laying flowers, lots of tears. Sad, but nice too.

These numbnuts make me wish i didn’t use all my fireworks on the queens’ birthday.

I had some nice 6-shots that would fit nicely into a beat up Commodore’s exhaust pipe….

southeeplace1:43 pm 03 Oct 08

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG WHAT A BLOODY ……!!!!TWAT!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOUR HALARIOUS MATE!! omg hahahahahahahahaha bigbro i love you!!! prett little lights hehehehehehehehehehe wooooooo i get an award YEAHHHHHH”

Great to have the moon from the mighty boosh on the riotact. Quite a coup.

This would be the thread where I completely agree with everything DMD has said. Way to go champions of ‘the champion’ you have me agreeing with DMD. I must get myself a txt spk dictionary.

Woody Mann-Caruso said :

Can’t wait til these lads move on to bigger things:

mate wtf -h ows i spozed 2 no it wuz a cop car it wuz just a sik ss ute wiv no lil lites or sinz or nuffin lolz

hey no d00d my butts still sorez from last time d00d no i’ll get you ciggies 2moz mate dont

perhaps they already have. spelling like that, they could be triple digit IQ people – ideal for the “new” rival website courtesy of Jack W and Graham….

peterh said :

Deadmandrinking said :


sometimes I dream of donuts….


Sometimes I dream ….

Woody Mann-Caruso12:05 pm 03 Oct 08

Can’t wait til these lads move on to bigger things:

mate wtf -h ows i spozed 2 no it wuz a cop car it wuz just a sik ss ute wiv no lil lites or sinz or nuffin lolz

hey no d00d my butts still sorez from last time d00d no i’ll get you ciggies 2moz mate dont

Deadmandrinking said :

peterh said :

Deadmandrinking said :


sometimes I dream of donuts….

And Eclairs, chocolate eclairs, dude.

thanks for that, just finished eating my Cheese naan bread from yesterday – tasted better cold.

Deadmandrinking11:30 am 03 Oct 08

peterh said :

Deadmandrinking said :


sometimes I dream of donuts….

And Eclairs, chocolate eclairs, dude.

Deadmandrinking said :


sometimes I dream of donuts….

Deadmandrinking11:26 am 03 Oct 08


Now if someone stole my riotact pin I would be annoyed.

qtpie111, careful anymore uses of words might constitute a sentance.

Jazz said :

Apt though it may be, we expect that you will respond to others as you would wish to be responded to yourself. rest assured that JB will be all over offenders like a fat kid on a donut.

that is a bit offensive, isn’t it?

I like donuts, but I am not fat… Just big boned.

not really a kid, either.

OT, the new contributions from the guys that didn’t know it was a memorial, good to see the schooling system is working so well. If you can’t read what it is, from the big sign on the road, this would explain as to why your posting was full of spelling mistakes.

IF you see a funny looking thing covered with small plaques, and with several flags, doesn’t take much to leap to the conclusion that it is something important.

the thing about this is that the flag was taken from the police memorial. strange to think that the police would be upset. I can imagine the RSL would be equally angry if this guy had taken a flag from a memorial on Anzac parade. and if he took it from the Vietnam vets memorial, god knows what they would have done…

sigh, do you have to try and find a way around everything?

Wow… these comments should be archived as a most excellent example of the generational and/or educational divide.

Apt though it may be, we expect that you will respond to others as you would wish to be responded to yourself. rest assured that JB will be all over offenders like a fat kid on a donut.

Best to err on the side of caution.

BerraBoy68 said :

JB: I trust calling someone like bogbro202 a complete knob won’t get me into moderation?

Yes, it will.

Ok, for what it’s worth, qtpie111, you’re welcome to comment here but foul language can get us blocked by web filters and we don’t tolerate abuse of other readers.

So if you do it again people won’t get to see what you’ve typed.

Hey qtpie111, before you go I have a question for you.

Let’s just say for arguments sake your mum’s name is Beryl.

Do you like to refer to her as:

(a) Mum

(b) Beryl

(c) Auntie Beryl?

tylersmayhem10:06 am 03 Oct 08

JB: please do something with this qtpie111 knob?!

Random Useless and Abusive Newbie of the Month?

Since the “Nutter of the Month” has already been awarded, maybe we should start something new, just for qtpie111. Something along the lines of “D!ck of the Month” maybe?

You’d think that when planning to post on a website to support your mates, step one would be something like “Learn how to write in english language”.

“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG WHAT A BLOODY ……!!!!TWAT!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOUR HALARIOUS MATE!! omg hahahahahahahahaha bigbro i love you!!! prett little lights hehehehehehehehehehe wooooooo i get an award YEAHHHHHH”


hahahaha no1 is paying me out anymore lol

Thats because your self sufficient in that area fool.

Oh yeah… Fool sikk bro

what’s a ‘jod’? I’ll leave the rest of your spelling, grammar, etc. for others to pick apart. It’s not my thing.

And yea, paying out on someone that thinks getting p*ssed in public is a great form of entertainment sure as hell beats stealing to make you fell like a man.

lol shit for brain and there it is mate your petty little insaults dont make you more of a person they just show that you have to resort to payout to make you feel like a big man well congradulations love your touch as hell now good jod *thumbs up*

bigbro202 said :

righto buddy… get some grog under your belt and go to a park in the middle of no where see a wall with “pretty lil lights” and u aint gunna think… this must be a memorial cos there pretty lil lights

A work of Genius! Tell u what Bigbro, I’ll duz u a fava… no da big building at the end of Anzac parade?(not the wet end but the other end near the bit that goes up to da sky – we callz em mountins) Da big billdin wiv da dome on top also had lots of really bi pretty lites AND is also A memorial/ Only had three flag but. Try taking somefing from dere and see wot happens to u and yor sh*t for brayns ‘champion’ mates.

JB: I trust calling someone like bogbro202 a complete knob won’t get me into moderation?

Deadmandrinking7:03 pm 02 Oct 08

u see da lil lights yeh, dey r de memorial u no see coz u stoopid muthas yeh.. Ma+Da bro and sis mean u have no brainz numnuts ey..

righto buddy… get some grog under your belt and go to a park in the middle of no where see a wall with “pretty lil lights” and u aint gunna think… this must be a memorial cos there pretty lil lights

hahahaha no1 is paying me out anymore lol

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMG WHAT A BLOODY ……!!!!TWAT!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA YOUR HALARIOUS MATE!! omg hahahahahahahahaha bigbro i love you!!! prett little lights hehehehehehehehehehe wooooooo i get an award YEAHHHHHH

bigbro202 said :

Has anyone seen that memorial at night? it looks like a big wall covered in pretty lil lights and a heap of flags… u have no clue its a memorial sight

That sounds pretty much like the description of a memorial to me.

Has anyone seen that memorial at night? it looks like a big wall covered in pretty lil lights and a heap of flags… u have no clue its a memorial sight

qtpie111 said :

hahahaha your a bunch of twats
dude how in the hell of it would his girlfriend be in histerics MATE he doesnt have a girlfriend nor did he have one at the time hahahaha he was bloody drunk and he had no idea the flag was for dead police officers or he wouldnt have done it! hes not a bloody monster hahahahahah hes a champion who made a mistake lol

Newbie- Check
No Punctuation – Check
Resurrecting Old Post – Check
Calling a criminal a champion – Check
Rant- Check
Random use of Capital Letters – Check

Seems we have an early contender for October’s award.

Deadmandrinking5:43 pm 02 Oct 08

Headbonius said :

DMD wrote “You don’t want mine with fava beans, trust me..” Well DMD we might have to is we were starving becuase I’m pretty sure we’d have trouble finding that other large organ in your body that is supposed to be contained inside your skull. 😛

That’s because you don’t have one.


hahahaha your a bunch of twats
dude how in the hell of it would his girlfriend be in histerics MATE he doesnt have a girlfriend nor did he have one at the time hahahaha he was bloody drunk and he had no idea the flag was for dead police officers or he wouldnt have done it! hes not a bloody monster hahahahahah hes a champion who made a mistake lol

Headbonius said :

DMD wrote “You don’t want mine with fava beans, trust me..” Well DMD we might have to is we were starving becuase I’m pretty sure we’d have trouble finding that other large organ in your body that is supposed to be contained inside your skull. 😛

how do you know it is large? might be a pickled walnut….

DMD wrote “You don’t want mine with fava beans, trust me..” Well DMD we might have to is we were starving becuase I’m pretty sure we’d have trouble finding that other large organ in your body that is supposed to be contained inside your skull. 😛

PBO said :

Maybe Todd Carney could pen his apology. But good on the kid for having a sense of adventure, the first flag i stole was from a visiting american ship when i was in the services. They were so freakin annoyed that an Aussie had slipped past their guards and taken the holiest of holies for them. I still have the flag.

A bit different I think. From an American warship is one thing (good job BTW) but from a memorial for the fallen?

Puts him in the same family as Dawn Fraser – common thief.

Mr Evil said :

But I heard he was going to return the flag to the Police. He just wasn’t sure when the local Police station would be open, plus his girlfriend was hysterical at the time because she thought someone was chasing them and wanted to take the flag off them, and to top it all off he really tired at the time he just didn’t have time to think straight…….

ROFLMAO – nice cross thread link there ‘Evil’!

Mr Evil said :

But I heard he was going to return the flag to the Police. He just wasn’t sure when the local Police station would be open, plus his girlfriend was hysterical at the time because she thought someone was chasing them and wanted to take the flag off them, and to top it all off he really tired at the time he just didn’t have time to think straight…….

Tehehe! 🙂

But really, it’d be alot easier to just buy a cheap old one imported from asia 🙂

johnboy said :

Touche, a car yard then?

That will do 😉

tylersmayhem4:14 pm 04 Aug 08

I’ve heard that Damien Lakin is Todd Carney’s alias.

Touche, a car yard then?

“Silly silly silly. Nick it from Macdonalds and no-one would care.”

Wrong, just as bad. The Golden Arches means a great deal to the boys and girls in blue.

Deadmandrinking3:52 pm 04 Aug 08

You don’t want mine with fava beans, trust me..

AussieGal83 said :

I have a spare one he could have. $3 from Top Dollar. 🙂

Actually I remember I got one on Australia Day for free with a 30 can block of Tooheys New.

Deadmandrinking said :

Liver? What’s that?

you have it with falva beans and a nice Chianti…. slup, slup, slup.

No, no, you no irony – you irony polyester it melty

ROFL, nice.

Sammy said :

I have a spare one he could have. $3 from Top Dollar

And made in China. Ohhh, the irony!

No, no, you no irony – you irony polyester it melty!

Deadmandrinking3:02 pm 04 Aug 08

Liver? What’s that?

I seem to remember putting mini’s between trees, moving letterboxes, putting superglue in bikelocks, walking home with suburb signs, big wooden ones, and of course, waking up in beds with girls I had never seen before, or remembered what we had done….

Deadmandrinking said :

peterh said :

Deadmandrinking said :

peterh said :

oh, yes i have. but even I know that doing this is pretty dumb. (even through the haze of alcohol, I can cling to that)

I’m never getting drunk with you.

you won’t – gave up drinking after mr liver and the kidneys sent me a message to slow down – yellow eyes and skin were a bit extreme, but i got the message.

Deadmandrinking2:58 pm 04 Aug 08

peterh said :

Deadmandrinking said :

peterh said :

oh, yes i have. but even I know that doing this is pretty dumb. (even through the haze of alcohol, I can cling to that)

I’m never getting drunk with you.

PBO said :

Maybe Todd Carney could pen his apology. But good on the kid for having a sense of adventure, the first flag i stole was from a visiting american ship when i was in the services. They were so freakin annoyed that an Aussie had slipped past their guards and taken the holiest of holies for them. I still have the flag.

he could have picked one up from duntroon. I am certain the cadets would have been helpful in teaching him the error of his ways.

I have a spare one he could have. $3 from Top Dollar

And made in China. Ohhh, the irony!

Maybe Todd Carney could pen his apology. But good on the kid for having a sense of adventure, the first flag i stole was from a visiting american ship when i was in the services. They were so freakin annoyed that an Aussie had slipped past their guards and taken the holiest of holies for them. I still have the flag.

I have a spare one he could have. $3 from Top Dollar. 🙂

Deadmandrinking said :

peterh said :

now, it must be just me, but that is the dumbest move I have ever heard of. who the hell wants the wrath of the police by defiling their memorial?

I know, maybe next anzac day he can try and steal it from a vietnam vet. (my father says he will be up for it, he is sharpening his bayonet right now…..)

You have obviously never been an adventerous drunk.

oh, yes i have. but even I know that doing this is pretty dumb. (even through the haze of alcohol, I can cling to that)

Mr Evil said :

But I heard he was going to return the flag to the Police. He just wasn’t sure when the local Police station would be open, plus his girlfriend was hysterical at the time because she thought someone was chasing them and wanted to take the flag off them, and to top it all off he really tired at the time he just didn’t have time to think straight…….

Oh, well that’s OK then.


Deadmandrinking2:46 pm 04 Aug 08

peterh said :

now, it must be just me, but that is the dumbest move I have ever heard of. who the hell wants the wrath of the police by defiling their memorial?

I know, maybe next anzac day he can try and steal it from a vietnam vet. (my father says he will be up for it, he is sharpening his bayonet right now…..)

You have obviously never been an adventerous drunk.

now, it must be just me, but that is the dumbest move I have ever heard of. who the hell wants the wrath of the police by defiling their memorial?

I know, maybe next anzac day he can try and steal it from a vietnam vet. (my father says he will be up for it, he is sharpening his bayonet right now…..)

But I heard he was going to return the flag to the Police. He just wasn’t sure when the local Police station would be open, plus his girlfriend was hysterical at the time because she thought someone was chasing them and wanted to take the flag off them, and to top it all off he really tired at the time he just didn’t have time to think straight…….

Keep fighting the man Damien…word!

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