[First filed: August 04, 2008 @ 14:10]
The ABC reports that one Damien Lakin, 18, has copped a good behaviour order for stealing an Australian flag from, wait for it, the National Police Memorial in Kings Park.
- Damien Lakin was charged with receiving stolen property after police found the flag in his car on the Queen’s Birthday weekend in June.
The ACT Magistrates Court heard he intended to display it on his bedroom wall.
Silly silly silly. Nick it from Macdonalds and no-one would care.
Or better yet, buy your own from the post office.
UPDATED: Damian’s mates have weighed into the comments here with their justifications of memorial desecration. Readers who normally eschew the comments are advised not to miss this. Here’s just one example:
- “Has anyone seen that memorial at night? it looks like a big wall covered in pretty lil lights and a heap of flags… u have no clue its a memorial sight”