by Ira Levin
Directed by Corille Fraser
Deathtrap is a good old-fashioned comedy / murder mystery / thriller – take your pick. Lovers of all three genres will be entertained in this production – it’s filled with startling revelations.
A complicated game of murderous, musical chairs packed with insidious hairpin twists and delightful dread. A story where everyone has hidden motives. Who is the hero? Who is the villain?
A plot like quicksilver – each time you think you have it, it slips through your fingers!
The opening text of this tease of a play describes it well…
- A thriller in two acts. One set. A juicy murder in Act 1, unexpected developments in Act 2…
Come along and find out how it all ends…or does it!
Its virtue is that it doesn’t take itself seriously. All the way through, it’s laughing at itself and the genre on which it is a takeoff… New York Times
For more info please visit Deathtrap
Venue: Theatre 3, 3 Repertory Lane (off Ellery Cres), Acton
Season: 24 July – 15 August, Thurs – Sat 8pm
Preview: 23 July 8pm
Matinee: Sat 1, 8 & 15 August 2pm – Director’s Q&A Following Matinee on 1 August.
Twilight: Sun 2 & 9 August 4pm (note earlier time)
Tickets: Adults $35, Concession/Matinee/Twilight $27, Member $25, Group (10+) $2 off individual ticket price
Bookings: Phone 6257 1950 or online at www.canberrarep.org.au