Dobinsons is on the move and on a roll. Photo: Dobinsons Facebook.
Here’s some news that might just bring you to tiers – baking legend Dobinsons is on a roll – making all your lockdown dreams crumb true.
Dobinsons has loaded up their trusty van and are heading around Canberra to deliver the goods (quite literally) to hungry locals who are missing their usual morning coffee, cake, pastry or pie.
The van has already pulled into Bowen Park in Kingston, Tuggeranong Lake and Kambah, with more locations on the way.
Locals have requested the van’s presence in Weston, Creek, Yarralumla, Queanbeyan, Googong and Jerrabomberra, Gungahlin at Yerrabi Pond, and as far afield as Murrambateman.

The best way to keep up with their location is by heading to the Dobinsons Canberra Facebook page, although it seems they don’t always post the exact location, so a little bit of super-sleuthing may be involved.
The community response has so far been very positive, with Facebook users commenting that it’s been great to get their fix of Dobinsons while stuck in lockdown.
Sue Dobinson told Region Media last year that when COVID first hit, it had been particularly tough for the bakery, as it had been for many small businesses.
Earlier this year, they shut the bakery and cafe in Bunda Street but opened in Gungahlin.
At the time, a post on their Facebook page thanked the community that “has kept [them] going all these years”.
A family business, Dobinsons has long been a favourite of many Canberrans, and while some recipes have changed over the years, the pies and sausage rolls are still Sue’s grandfather’s recipes.
Dobinson’s family legacy began more than 125 years ago in Kyogle in northern NSW.
Sue’s son Andrew Leggett is now her business partner and her daughter also works in the business.
Currently, all four Dobinsons locations are also operating a call and collect service, and shopfronts are still open for pick-up in a COVID-safe manner, of course.
A full menu is also available online for cakes, pastries, coffees and bread.
So just remember, even in lockdown, life is what you bake of it!
Dobinsons is located at Westfield Belconnen, Westfield Woden, Tuggeranong Hyperdome and Marketplace Gungahlin. Visit the Dobinsons Canberra for locations and opening times … for when the ACT isn’t in lockdown.