12 May 2011

Does anyone care what the Australian Christian Lobby thinks about prostitution in the ACT? [Now with poll]

| johnboy
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The ACL is thrilled that gullible buffoons in Canberra’s major media (WIN, ABC, CT) are taking them seriously when it comes to changes to prostitution law in the ACT.

In a city of 300,000 it would be a shock if the ACL could sway more than 1,000 votes.

Is presenting good talent for interview and controversial views all that is necessary to get oxygen?

(For the record the ACL wants buying the services of prostitutes a crime.)

Do you care what the Australian Christian Lobby thinks about prostitution?

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devils_advocate said :

There are numerous detailed accounts in the New Testament of Jesus specifically making a point to look after the societally disadvantaged, including prostitutes and adulterers. In fact this was the basis of one of the more well-known accounts, culminating with ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone” (involving a female adulterer about to be stoned to death by angy mob).

In my view, it seems pretty unambiguous that anyone purporting to be a christian would be more about harm minimisation (i.e. actually directly helping people) than sitting around judging people (which is all this is about – making a political point – because let’s face it it will have zero impact on the level of actual activity, and will give rise to all the problems noted above).

That’s a good point. If you actually speak to the ACL I think you’ll find that protecting the people involved is a huge part of their motives. The Eros foundation, and people who are in favour of prostitution, neglect to mention that there are an awful lot of girls involved who don’t want to be involved. They paint a picture that everyone working in the sex industry is there by choice and enjoying their job. I’m sure that is true for some/many, but for many others it’s not. Even in the ACT where it’s legalised and supposedly regulated, there are a large number of girls forced into it (including immigrants who have been trafficked – yes it happens in Canberra). Regulation has done little to help these people and ensure that only those who want to be, are working.

I suppose the issue is the difference of opinion in regards to what constitutes “helping” the disadvantaged.

devils_advocate10:11 am 14 Nov 11

There are numerous detailed accounts in the New Testament of Jesus specifically making a point to look after the societally disadvantaged, including prostitutes and adulterers. In fact this was the basis of one of the more well-known accounts, culminating with ‘let he who is without sin cast the first stone” (involving a female adulterer about to be stoned to death by angy mob).

In my view, it seems pretty unambiguous that anyone purporting to be a christian would be more about harm minimisation (i.e. actually directly helping people) than sitting around judging people (which is all this is about – making a political point – because let’s face it it will have zero impact on the level of actual activity, and will give rise to all the problems noted above).

The ACL is a lobby group. Fundamentally they are just like any other lobby group. They speak to politicians on behalf of constituents whose interests they represent (and despite assertions to the contrary, I sincerely doubt that most genuinely religious people are in favour of legalised prostitution) Those of you whinging about it are more than welcome to set up your own lobby group, rather than bitching about it like a group of cry babies and acting like you are the only ones with all the answers. I’m sure if your point of view is as insightful and enlightened as you think it is, then the politicians will listen to you.

2604 said :

Deref said :

The sex industry isn’t forcing you to use its products and services, nor are they attempting to stop you and your religious friends from doing anything; you and your religion are attempting (and, so far, succeeding) to force us to consume your your products and services (i.e. your “morals”) and to prevent people from engaging in their chosen businesses and pursuits.

The ACL doesn’t exactly have a monopoly on forcing its morals onto people though. Ever heard of an entity called the Australian Greens?

You don’t have to like them, but at least the Greens were democratically elected and won a significant number of seats. The ACL’s candidates, where they stand, do as badly as you’d expect them to; I think Fred Nile’s about the only one. Of course there are plenty of ACL supporters among our pollies, but they’re not honest enough to admit their allegiance in their campaigns – they only show their colours once they’re elected.

2604 said :

Also, I should re-emphasise what has been said elsewhere – the ACL are not representative of mainstream religious people, most of whom have no issue with legalised prostitution (nor gay marriage, stem cell research, etc).

But you never hear the “mainstream” criticising the ACL or its influence, do you. When was the last time you saw “mainstream” Christians demonstrating for gay marriage or the handing over of paedophiles in their church to the police?

I’ll believe it when I see it.

Deref said :

The sex industry isn’t forcing you to use its products and services, nor are they attempting to stop you and your religious friends from doing anything; you and your religion are attempting (and, so far, succeeding) to force us to consume your your products and services (i.e. your “morals”) and to prevent people from engaging in their chosen businesses and pursuits.

The ACL doesn’t exactly have a monopoly on forcing its morals onto people though. Ever heard of an entity called the Australian Greens?

Also, I should re-emphasise what has been said elsewhere – the ACL are not representative of mainstream religious people, most of whom have no issue with legalised prostitution (nor gay marriage, stem cell research, etc).

Mysteryman said :

Deref said :

Mysteryman said :

neanderthalsis said :

Mysteryman said :

johnboy said :

The right to speak should never be confused with the right to be heard

Why should the sex workers (it’s really the “sellers” as opposed to the “workers”) have the right to be heard if other groups don’t? Personally, I don’t care for their point of view, but I still tolerate it without treating them like people of lower intelligence.

The sex worker/sellers are not trying to impose their version of morality on the rest of society…

Actually, it’s exactly what they’re doing. Their moral standpoint just happens to be the opposite of the ACL’s.

Of all the distortions of logic put forward by the religious community, this has to be the most distorted.

I notice that you haven’t bothered to explain how it’s a distortion of logic. Should we assume it’s because you don’t actually have a sound argument?

I didn’t bother because others have done it more than adequately. But to save you the trouble of reading the thread…

The sex industry isn’t forcing you to use its products and services, nor are they attempting to stop you and your religious friends from doing anything; you and your religion are attempting (and, so far, succeeding) to force us to consume your your products and services (i.e. your “morals”) and to prevent people from engaging in their chosen businesses and pursuits.

What part of that is still escaping you?

Deref said :

Mysteryman said :

neanderthalsis said :

Mysteryman said :

johnboy said :

The right to speak should never be confused with the right to be heard

Why should the sex workers (it’s really the “sellers” as opposed to the “workers”) have the right to be heard if other groups don’t? Personally, I don’t care for their point of view, but I still tolerate it without treating them like people of lower intelligence.

The sex worker/sellers are not trying to impose their version of morality on the rest of society…

Actually, it’s exactly what they’re doing. Their moral standpoint just happens to be the opposite of the ACL’s.

Of all the distortions of logic put forward by the religious community, this has to be the most distorted.

I notice that you haven’t bothered to explain how it’s a distortion of logic. Should we assume it’s because you don’t actually have a sound argument?

Lswchp “Prostitution, in my very limited experience, is not a happy caper.”

LSWCHP $250+ an hour for pleasing a client in a way that few can, who is unhappy. Mostly it just involves accepting that another person has a need, that they want to openly express, with another human being, in private, in their own time. A skilled whore will make sure everyone is happy.

$350 cash in a white envelope will guarantee that what ever it is that makes you happy ( No scat or blood or technically difficult stuff) happens for an hour. I am a good listener. You would be surprised how many people just want to be listened too or have a chat without fear of consequence. Its as much in the mind as in the flesh. Or you can just pound away as usual for a minute or two then scurry off. Up to you. I am always happy with envelope.

When you go to your “unhappy caper” each day, to earn the cash, to pay the bills, to feed the family, do you tolerate your clients fantasy of what work should be. We all have an inner whore.

2604 said :

Deref said :

As I write this the voting is 92 to 8. I’d say that reflects the general Australian consensus, and yet the Christian lobby has influence in inverse proportion. Take the gay marriage issue as an example – a tiny tail is wagging a huge dog, and it’s the same with many issues.

What I want to know is how they achieve this disproportionate influence. Is it money?

The weakness of politicians, who pander to minority interest groups like this?

Yeah – but why? Common sense says that there’d be more votes in appealing to the majority rather than a tiny fringe group like the ACL.

Deref said :

As I write this the voting is 92 to 8. I’d say that reflects the general Australian consensus, and yet the Christian lobby has influence in inverse proportion. Take the gay marriage issue as an example – a tiny tail is wagging a huge dog, and it’s the same with many issues.

What I want to know is how they achieve this disproportionate influence. Is it money?

The weakness of politicians, who pander to minority interest groups like this?

Surely holding those politicians accountable, rather than trying to censure or prohibit the activities of minority groups – including lobby groups like the ACL, National Farmers’ Federation, and Pharmacy Guild, etc – is the right answer. Democracies have to protect minority rights; the issue is that many such minorities hold disproportionate sway over government. Fix the government.

It’s threads like this one that keep me coming back to this forum. It’s very reassuring to know that the tiny, crazy vocal minorities like the ACL are far outnumberd by thoughtful people who can see through their evil polluted smoke and dark mirrors.

Prostitution, in my very limited experience, is not a happy caper. But it’s far better to have it legal, and regulated rather than driven underground into the realm of the scurrying vermin. If only The Powers That Be could see that the same thing applies to making drug use illegal.

Tooling around the web t’other night I came across Peter, Paul and Mary singing “Where have all the flowers gone?” with Peter Seeger. The chorus goes “When will we ever learn…”. I do wonder, when will we ever learn?

The emphasis should be on providing safe working conditions for the women (mostly women) who work in this industry, which does carry certain risks. A more thoughtful Christian perspective might put the emphasis on avoiding harm to these women, rather than driving them onto the streets where there are no safeguards at all, and the balance between worker and client inevitably changes. Prostitution has probably always been here and always will, and refusing to keep it legal would be condemning sex workers to a far worse situation.

People like this group certainly give Christianity a bad name.

As I write this the voting is 92 to 8. I’d say that reflects the general Australian consensus, and yet the Christian lobby has influence in inverse proportion. Take the gay marriage issue as an example – a tiny tail is wagging a huge dog, and it’s the same with many issues.

What I want to know is how they achieve this disproportionate influence. Is it money?

I am Christian (Catholic) and I do not give the patootie of a deceased rodent what the ACL thinks about anything; nor do I know anyone else who does. No-one elected them (so they have zero legitimacy or credibility), and the field is ripe for someone more rational and nuanced to take up a similar name and express the views that actual people may hold.
As to prostitution itself, it’s always struck me as a miserable trade from every perspective. But others may reasonably hold the view that it provides some kind of social benefit, when regulated as it is in the ACT. Dissociating it from criminality of one kind or another is always going to be difficult.

Mysteryman said :

neanderthalsis said :

Mysteryman said :

johnboy said :

The right to speak should never be confused with the right to be heard

Why should the sex workers (it’s really the “sellers” as opposed to the “workers”) have the right to be heard if other groups don’t? Personally, I don’t care for their point of view, but I still tolerate it without treating them like people of lower intelligence.

The sex worker/sellers are not trying to impose their version of morality on the rest of society…

Actually, it’s exactly what they’re doing. Their moral standpoint just happens to be the opposite of the ACL’s.

Of all the distortions of logic put forward by the religious community, this has to be the most distorted.

Jim Jones said :

The ACL can go f^&k themselves for free. No money needs to change hands.

Take that as my answer too.

averagejoeaussie12:44 am 02 Jun 11

Ah, my favourite subject: religion (especially Christian/Catholic vs anything else!)
Firstly, who do these ACL idiots think they are? You believe and practice what you want and as long as it doesn’t interfere with me or anybody else, good luck to you; but don’t get on your high horse and try to impose your beliefs on me – i’ll mind my own business. This is how the name of religion has been responsible for more deaths than any other since the dawn of time: INTOLERANCE.
So, secondly, here we go again; another ill thought out solution that will only drive the oldest profession in the world underground (no taxes for the Gov’t or employment for those who chose it), increasing the rates of rapes and sexual assults in the streets because some alter-boy molesting mob (if proof is required, ask the Vatican for their denial) decides it doesn’t like other people enjoying sex. By the way, where in the bible or ten commandments does it explicitly say consentual sex between unmarried people is taboo, not to be enjoyed? And if it wasn’t to be enjoyed, how come (pun not intended) it feels so good? Surely it would hurt like a bitch unless you were married. I know, apparently, that I can’t commit adultery or covert my neighbour’s wife but that presumes I am married; what if I am not? And what if the woman I am with is not? I cannot be committing adultery or coveting my neighbour’s wife – nor can she – and what if the wife is not my neighbour? She might live in the next street or suburb………..

Prostitution should be banned – after all, look at all those kids that prostitutes have molested over the years.

ginger_sunshine said :

if the girl is smart enough to charge then go for it.

I found this comment quite offensive…

I agree that it is better that it is decriminalise it just because for lots of “girls” this is not a free choice. They need protection even more than other workers, which they wouldn’t get if it were illegal.

ginger_sunshine1:26 am 15 May 11

Mysteryman said :

It’s currently illegal to have brothels operating in

LSWCHP said :

Mysteryman said :

neanderthalsis said :

Mysteryman said :

johnboy said :

The right to speak should never be confused with the right to be heard

Why should the sex workers (it’s really the “sellers” as opposed to the “workers”) have the right to be heard if other groups don’t? Personally, I don’t care for their point of view, but I still tolerate it without treating them like people of lower intelligence.

The sex worker/sellers are not trying to impose their version of morality on the rest of society…

Actually, it’s exactly what they’re doing. Their moral standpoint just happens to be the opposite of the ACL’s.

Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

The two parties have different points of view, but the key difference is that the folks from the sex industry are not out there lobbying government ministers up to and including the PM in an attempt to force the entire population of the country to engage in prostitution. They might like a larger customer base, but they are *not* attemptintg to impose their viewpoint on the entire population of Australia.

I’m going to stop you right there. Are the sex lobby trying to get the laws changed to allow brothels to be set up throughout the ACT, or are they not? It’s my understanding that they’re lobbying the government to change the current legislation to allow them to spread out into some 20 or so other suburbs around Canberra. Is that not correct? I’d be happy for you to correct me if that’s not the case.

If that’s true, then that is most certainly a move to impose their views on the rest of the ACT public.

Actually, being allowed access to more areas does not impose their views on anyone else, not unless they were lobbying to also force people to go inside and spend money.

If someone who is mortally allergic to chocolate is not allowed to have their need shut down all chocolatiers in their area, why should a small group of people force other adults to give up clean, consenting fun? Personally I doubt they’d make much money though – it’s not discreet enough in a town as small as Canberra.

I totally support the sex industry (when it’s done within the law) – if the girl is smart enough to charge then go for it. There’s plenty of guys who will pay for the service, and where there’s demand…

It’s currently illegal to have brothels operating in

LSWCHP said :

Mysteryman said :

neanderthalsis said :

Mysteryman said :

johnboy said :

The right to speak should never be confused with the right to be heard

Why should the sex workers (it’s really the “sellers” as opposed to the “workers”) have the right to be heard if other groups don’t? Personally, I don’t care for their point of view, but I still tolerate it without treating them like people of lower intelligence.

The sex worker/sellers are not trying to impose their version of morality on the rest of society…

Actually, it’s exactly what they’re doing. Their moral standpoint just happens to be the opposite of the ACL’s.

Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

The two parties have different points of view, but the key difference is that the folks from the sex industry are not out there lobbying government ministers up to and including the PM in an attempt to force the entire population of the country to engage in prostitution. They might like a larger customer base, but they are *not* attemptintg to impose their viewpoint on the entire population of Australia.

I’m going to stop you right there. Are the sex lobby trying to get the laws changed to allow brothels to be set up throughout the ACT, or are they not? It’s my understanding that they’re lobbying the government to change the current legislation to allow them to spread out into some 20 or so other suburbs around Canberra. Is that not correct? I’d be happy for you to correct me if that’s not the case.

If that’s true, then that is most certainly a move to impose their views on the rest of the ACT public.

Mysteryman said :

neanderthalsis said :

Mysteryman said :

johnboy said :

The right to speak should never be confused with the right to be heard

Why should the sex workers (it’s really the “sellers” as opposed to the “workers”) have the right to be heard if other groups don’t? Personally, I don’t care for their point of view, but I still tolerate it without treating them like people of lower intelligence.

The sex worker/sellers are not trying to impose their version of morality on the rest of society…

Actually, it’s exactly what they’re doing. Their moral standpoint just happens to be the opposite of the ACL’s.

Wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong.

The two parties have different points of view, but the key difference is that the folks from the sex industry are not out there lobbying government ministers up to and including the PM in an attempt to force the entire population of the country to engage in prostitution. They might like a larger customer base, but they are *not* attemptintg to impose their viewpoint on the entire population of Australia. They allow everybody to choose what they wish to do.

The ACL on the other hand, are lobbying in an attempt to force their point of view on the entire country, by legislation if possible.

Christianity is a proselytysing operation. They’re not happy within themselves. They are compelled to inflict their noxious and deluded views on everybody.

I don’t think prostitution is a good thing, but I think subjugation to the views of deranged Christian loonies is a far, far worse thing.

neanderthalsis said :

Mysteryman said :

johnboy said :

The right to speak should never be confused with the right to be heard

Why should the sex workers (it’s really the “sellers” as opposed to the “workers”) have the right to be heard if other groups don’t? Personally, I don’t care for their point of view, but I still tolerate it without treating them like people of lower intelligence.

The sex worker/sellers are not trying to impose their version of morality on the rest of society. They just want to get on with business.

The ACL has far more influence in many arenas than their support base would justify. Additionally, much of what they say lacks credibility and is driven by their belief rather than any empirical evidence base. They bring to the debate on prostitution/internet filtering and user tracking/censorship the same level of credibility that Andrew Bolt brings to the climate change debate.

Nope. Andrew Bolt is a paragon of intellectual credibility and sound reasoning compared to these boofheads.

Mysteryman said :

neanderthalsis said :

Mysteryman said :

johnboy said :

The right to speak should never be confused with the right to be heard

Why should the sex workers (it’s really the “sellers” as opposed to the “workers”) have the right to be heard if other groups don’t? Personally, I don’t care for their point of view, but I still tolerate it without treating them like people of lower intelligence.

The sex worker/sellers are not trying to impose their version of morality on the rest of society…

Actually, it’s exactly what they’re doing. Their moral standpoint just happens to be the opposite of the ACL’s.

What? The sex industry is trying to force everyone to buy their products? Rubbish.

The ACL, by contrast, is trying to prevent people who want their products from buying them.

sepi said :

I don’t believe in supporting prostitution but I’m not a christian either.

the quoted article states that women in prostitution show signs of PTS disorder similar to war victimns – doesn’t that bother anyone?

I think you’ll find that a similar study will show some Public Servants suffering the same symptoms as a result of bullying for example. I can’t say I don’t believe in prostitution, providing its done correctly (I have just re-read that and its so insane I’ll leave it in!!!). Illegal prostitution, slavery, etc, is abhorant – legal prostitution, whether you like it or not, can support both males and females.

It should be a choice – granted a hard one, but a choice (‘pun’ not intended!)

sepi said :

I don’t believe in supporting prostitution but I’m not a christian either.

the quoted article states that women in prostitution show signs of PTS disorder similar to war victimns – doesn’t that bother anyone?

The effect of illegal prostitution are, I believe, far worse.

I don’t believe in supporting prostitution but I’m not a christian either.

the quoted article states that women in prostitution show signs of PTS disorder similar to war victimns – doesn’t that bother anyone?

Mysteryman said :

neanderthalsis said :

The sex worker/sellers are not trying to impose their version of morality on the rest of society…

Actually, it’s exactly what they’re doing. Their moral standpoint just happens to be the opposite of the ACL’s.

I would not consider allowing consenting adults to do what they want with there own bodies to me a moral judgement. It’s like saying bald is a hair colour.

[I apologize for mangling this analogy]

neanderthalsis said :

Mysteryman said :

johnboy said :

The right to speak should never be confused with the right to be heard

Why should the sex workers (it’s really the “sellers” as opposed to the “workers”) have the right to be heard if other groups don’t? Personally, I don’t care for their point of view, but I still tolerate it without treating them like people of lower intelligence.

The sex worker/sellers are not trying to impose their version of morality on the rest of society…

Actually, it’s exactly what they’re doing. Their moral standpoint just happens to be the opposite of the ACL’s.

neanderthalsis10:11 am 14 May 11

Mysteryman said :

johnboy said :

The right to speak should never be confused with the right to be heard

Why should the sex workers (it’s really the “sellers” as opposed to the “workers”) have the right to be heard if other groups don’t? Personally, I don’t care for their point of view, but I still tolerate it without treating them like people of lower intelligence.

The sex worker/sellers are not trying to impose their version of morality on the rest of society. They just want to get on with business.

The ACL has far more influence in many arenas than their support base would justify. Additionally, much of what they say lacks credibility and is driven by their belief rather than any empirical evidence base. They bring to the debate on prostitution/internet filtering and user tracking/censorship the same level of credibility that Andrew Bolt brings to the climate change debate.

johnboy said :

The right to speak should never be confused with the right to be heard

Why should the sex workers (it’s really the “sellers” as opposed to the “workers”) have the right to be heard if other groups don’t? Personally, I don’t care for their point of view, but I still tolerate it without treating them like people of lower intelligence.

The Frots said :

Nope, ridiculed is enough for me

I could agree with that.

Count me in!

Where do I sign up? Is there a cover charge?

Nope, ridiculed is enough for me

I could agree with that.

Count me in!

colourful sydney racing identity3:03 pm 13 May 11

They don’t just put forward their view, they lobby. They get access to our highest officials (Mr Howard and Mr Rudd were known to be very close with them) and behind closed doors they get input into laws that affect all of us.

Remember the internet filter? Word is that this abomination was as a result of the Australian Christian Lobby.

Insidious influence is not a healthy part of a democracy

So, they should be, what?


Nope, ridiculed is enough for me.

Can the follow-up poll be “Are you happy to go along with what science (sociology, psychology, etc) advises for prostitution in the ACT?” please?

What the hell do I care what a dozen people from some other religion think is appropriate? What do they care what I think is appropriate? Let’s just stick with what works and if you don’t like the prostitutes then leave them alone!!

Thoroughly Smashed said :

Kiron2222 said :

ACL have quite a bit of federal influence, hell they have been the soul reason pretty much the R18+ rating has been blocked since forever.


He He. Missed that the first time.

These people have a right to put forward their views.

I don’t agree with them but we do live in a democracy.

The options, ie socialism, communism, fascism, sharia law, etc are very much less palatable.

They don’t just put forward their view, they lobby. They get access to our highest officials (Mr Howard and Mr Rudd were known to be very close with them) and behind closed doors they get input into laws that affect all of us.

Remember the internet filter? Word is that this abomination was as a result of the Australian Christian Lobby.

Insidious influence is not a healthy part of a democracy.

Thoroughly Smashed9:26 am 13 May 11

Kiron2222 said :

ACL have quite a bit of federal influence, hell they have been the soul reason pretty much the R18+ rating has been blocked since forever.


Holierthanthou9:24 am 13 May 11

Or do I need the backing of god?

No, just money. But, with god and her earthly minions usually provides a source of this.

The right to speak should never be confused with the right to be heard

ACL have quite a bit of federal influence, hell they have been the soul reason pretty much the R18+ rating has been blocked since forever.

p1 said :

Pommy bastard said :

The ACL has given evidence at a prostitution inquiry in the ACT.

Infuriating! Why should these idiots get as say in anything, just due to their belief in the Jesus zombie.

If we can get enough Jedi together, can we go to these “enquiries” and have a say.

It’s the morons who invited them I have a beef with.

I’m with PB on this (scary thought, I will drink myself stupid to erase that later). If I get myself a nice letterhead and start spamming my views on all things, will I start getting invited to help shape public policy? Or do I need the backing of god?

You certainly can, and god need not be involved. Gun Control Australia (www.guncontrol.org.au) seems to have a fairly high media profile and some influence on firearms policy in Australia, but as far as I’ve been able to work out, the “organisation” consists of a solitary bloke named John Crook, with the odd helper every now and then. And I new another bloke in the mid-90’s engaged in a similar…errrmm…deal. He spammed parliamentarians with his spiels on letterhead paper with a fancy title, and got far more responses than he deserved.

If the ACL can draw a thousand members to a gig in the ACT I’ll eat my turban.

p1 said :

Pommy bastard said :

The ACL has given evidence at a prostitution inquiry in the ACT.

Infuriating! Why should these idiots get as say in anything, just due to their belief in the Jesus zombie.

If we can get enough Jedi together, can we go to these “enquiries” and have a say.

It’s the morons who invited them I have a beef with.

I’m with PB on this (scary thought, I will drink myself stupid to erase that later). If I get myself a nice letterhead and start spamming my views on all things, will I start getting invited to help shape public policy? Or do I need the backing of god?

Probably a bit of both – but those people who think they ARE God won’t care what you or I think anyway. So, just when is the next ‘Pimps’ Convention anyway? Isn’t it in Canberra?

Pommy bastard said :

The ACL has given evidence at a prostitution inquiry in the ACT.

Infuriating! Why should these idiots get as say in anything, just due to their belief in the Jesus zombie.

If we can get enough Jedi together, can we go to these “enquiries” and have a say.

It’s the morons who invited them I have a beef with.

I’m with PB on this (scary thought, I will drink myself stupid to erase that later). If I get myself a nice letterhead and start spamming my views on all things, will I start getting invited to help shape public policy? Or do I need the backing of god?

Pommy bastard1:52 pm 12 May 11

The ACL has given evidence at a prostitution inquiry in the ACT.

Infuriating! Why should these idiots get as say in anything, just due to their belief in the Jesus zombie.

If we can get enough Jedi together, can we go to these “enquiries” and have a say.

It’s the morons who invited them I have a beef with.

Such a waste…

neanderthalsis1:44 pm 12 May 11

johnboy said :

EvanJames said :

Well the ACL did manage to put a reasonably attractive young woman in front of the cameras for this, which might have a bit to do with the oxygen they received.

While not giving a hoot about what she says, I am interested in seeing said attractive young woman…

EvanJames said :

The poor things are probably feeling very frustrated.

After their tame puppet was toppled from the PM-ship (twice! Howard, and then Rudd), they don’t have the access they once did.

And I sometimes wonder if the ACL is in fact quite a small bunch of old men. Much like the Pedestrian Council, which is actually just one bloke (guess who that is).

Well the ACL did manage to put a reasonably attractive young woman in front of the cameras for this, which might have a bit to do with the oxygen they received.

The poor things are probably feeling very frustrated. After their tame puppet was toppled from the PM-ship (twice! Howard, and then Rudd), they don’t have the access they once did.

And I sometimes wonder if the ACL is in fact quite a small bunch of old men. Much like the Pedestrian Council, which is actually just one bloke (guess who that is).

Never heard of them until this week – and have now heard of them twice. Nick Jensen also writes in City News that we should NOT have an R18+ rating for video games because it will inevitably mean kids get their hands on even worse games. A bit like saying we should cut off the internet and not keep matches or alcohol in the house – because sooner or later mum and dad are going to be out and kids cannot be trusted. Idle hands are the devil’s tools!

neanderthalsis1:16 pm 12 May 11

Proof of how out of touch the ACL is with reality. Criminalising prostitution will force it underground, working ladies will have fewer protections and be at the mercy of pimps and criminal gangs and STI rates would increase with no more compulsory health screening. The problems with the legitimate side of prostitution here in the ACT seem to be more to do with lack of regulatory enforcement rather than a failing in the regulation itself.

I hope the Sex party/Eros association come out with “I root and I vote” stickers as part of a campaign if our political masters take notice of these ultra-conservative loons.

colourful sydney racing identity1:06 pm 12 May 11

I care not for the views of a biggoted religious group on anything.

In their eyes, sex before marriage is probably a crime too.

Jim Jones said :

The ACL can go f^&k themselves for free. No money needs to change hands.

But they wont f^&k themselves, because people like these believe that f^&king is a bad, bad thing and they don’t want anybody else to be able to do it outside the strictures of their weird belief system.

And there’s the rub. I’m quite happy for them to believe in their loony sky fairy with all that entails, but they can’t keep it to themselves. They want everybody else to believe as they do, and follow the oddball rules that they follow.

So bugger ’em. Oh…wait…

For reasons I can only guess at, a large proportion of our federal politicians seem to care deeply what this tiny, unrepresentative bunch of credulous and superstitious people think. Certainly the leader of the ACT Libs cares deeply.

These people weild a degree of influence which is frightening.

Gungahlin Al12:28 pm 12 May 11

Only to the extent that they suck media space away from more deserving debates.

p1 said :

The short answer to your posed question is – No.

I read about this the other day. They make a very good argument for why legal prostitution in Canberra should actually be regulated and safe. Their argument for why it should be illegal appears to consist of the assumption that it is simply “A Bad Thing™”.

Agreed +1.

The ACL can go f^&k themselves for free. No money needs to change hands.

The short answer to your posed question is – No.

I read about this the other day. They make a very good argument for why legal prostitution in Canberra should actually be regulated and safe. Their argument for why it should be illegal appears to consist of the assumption that it is simply “A Bad Thing™”.

There you go M0les, poll added by popular demand, you’re popular.

This is a poll, right? The title was phrased as a question. Where’s the “no” button?!

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