A community meeting this week in Tuggeranong is looking to create new housing options for local empty-nesters keen to charge the next phase of their life.
Will Honey and his team from Independent Property Group have been invited into around 3,500 properties in the Tuggeranong Valley over the last three years, talking to people, listening to their needs and ambitions.
“We have an ageing population, with many people looking to retire,” Will says.
“A lot of the people I have met have owned a home in the Tuggeranong Valley since it was called Nappy Valley.
“But now the kids are gone, mum and dad are left in big homes with big backyards, maintenance is becoming an issue and they are looking to downsize.”
Will believes what many people are looking for when it comes to their next real estate move simply isn’t available in Canberra at the moment, and he’s hoping next weeks meeting will point the way for the ACT Government and developers and stimulate the market.
“Apartment living certainly caters for a segment of the downsizers market, but there is a group of people who aren’t drawn to that option,” Will says.
“The information night on April 26 is to discuss all the options and get feedback from those looking to downsize.
“We want to help that segment of the market and work with developers and government to fill any need.”

Will Honey from Independent Property Group is keen to help downsizers explore and create options for the next stage of their life. Photo: Supplied.
Based on his discussions, Will believes some retirees are looking for smaller, free-standing, single level dwellings, or smaller boutique style townhouse complexes, options that are limited in the Tuggeranong Valley at the moment.
“But we really want to check that with people and make sure the picture we are getting is accurate,” he says.
The information night will also explore the emotions and challenges that go with downsizing, with some first-hand insights from real people who have been there, done that.
“This is also a really exciting time in people’s lives,” Will adds.
“Any real estate decision comes with a mix of feelings, and usually signals a change or next step, that’s where we want to help.”
Anyone who is thinking about their future is welcome to come along to the information night. The full range of downsizer options in Canberra will be discussed as well as the gaps in the market that need to be filled.
“This will give everyone better insight into what the options are now and also help shape what the options of the future should be.
“This is not a hard sell, we are not there to push a product, we’ve seen a need for information and discussion in our community and want to help people.”
Downsizers Information Night: Thursday, 26 April, 6 pm – 7 pm at Tuggeranong Southern Cross Club, Pitman St & Holwell Street, Greenway. For more information phone Independent Property Group on 6209 7777 or tuggeranong@independent.com.au