I realise compared to the almost daily problems with cyclists in the ACT this is a pretty minor issue but i thought i would write a post about it anyway.
I recently bought a VW and figured that i would try and get euro style plates for it because it looks a bit odd with the regular plate in the Euro sized cut out. I then found out that the ACT and NT are the only states/territories where these plates are not available. I wrote to rus@act.gov.au and was informed that my name had been added to a list of people who had completed a survey to say there were interested in these plates. This seems like ACT government “consultation” at its best because I hadn’t seen anything about a survey in the time I have been here.
If there are other people out there interested in these size plates it might be worth dropping an email to the rus@act.gov.au email account and see what happens. For those who don’t know what these plates look like you can take a look here http://www.vicnumberplates.com.au/ShowCategoryPlates.aspx?CategoryId=82