A wise man once said, “Trees are Earth’s endless effort to speak to the listening heaven”. If that is true, these trees have been speaking for many many years, and it’s time to acknowledge and celebrate their beautiful legacy.
The Cork oak forest at the National Arboretum Canberra is turning 100 this year and everyone is invited to come and celebrate with plenty of free fun activities for all ages on offer.
The fun-filled day will be held on 18 November from 11 am – 3 pm and will include demonstrations of cork stripping, music and singing, art and craft, Mediterranean dancing, story-telling, public talks, free guided walks and family activities. A variety of food vans and stalls will be on site providing gourmet BBQ, nachos, pizza, wine, French crepes, coffee, drinks, and gelati.
This is a unique opportunity to celebrate the centenary of the Cork oak forest and learn more about the history of cork and how it’s harvested and used.
Activities to keep you entertained during the day will include:
- Make your own swaggie hat with hanging corks (bring your own hat)
- Create your own cork acorn creature
- Story-telling by Fay Maddison ‘Fairies in the Forest’
- Ribbon twirling
- Follow the Cork oak Discovery Trail
- Guided walks by the Friends of the National Arboretum
- Walking trails through the forests
- Special talks by those involved in the Arboretum, including ‘Eric the bee man’.
The Friends of the Arboretum’s Harvest Group will be selling homemade produce made from the Arboretum’s fruit trees, including fig jam, fig conserve, fig chutney and more.
Entry will be by Gold coin donation only, and free parking will be available in the overflow car park while a free shuttle bus will run between the Village Centre and the Cork oaks.
The National Bonsai and Penjing Collection, Pod Playground, the Village Centre, Sprout Cafe, Conservatory Restaurant and the Curatoreum gift shop will also be open.
It’s not every day you get the opportunity to appreciate 100 years of an entire forest, so make sure you keep the date free!
For more information, call 02 6207 8484.
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