Milk by Dylan Van Den Berg is a powerful story of longing, of connection and the ghosts of the past starring Katie Beckett, Roxanne McDonald and Dylan Van Den Berg playing for a world premiere season.
On the precipice of something life changing, a young Palawa man plunges into an exploration of self and Country.
Carried with the winds of a metaphysical Flinders Island, the land of his mob and the place where it all happened, he is drawn back to the dawn of colonization. To a woman who bore the brunt of the oppressors’ violence and then forward to her granddaughter, who buried the truth as a means of survival. Stirring up stories together, with parts both achingly sad and unexpectedly funny, what unfolds reveals by slow degrees painful but important truths.
The details
When: Thursday 3 June to Saturday 12 June, various times
Where: Street Theatre
Cost: $35 to $42, book online.