5 March 2024

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (35mm)

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Still from The Rocky Horror Picture Show showing a person in drag

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Jim Sharman, 1975)

M | 96 Mins | 1975 | 35mm | US | D: Jim Sharman

This 1970s cult classic from Jim Sharman and Richard O’Brien needs little introduction. Do the Time Warp and join Janet (Susan Sarandon) and Brad (Barry Bostwick) as they stumble into the castle of Dr Frank-N-Furter and get caught up with his kooky companions Rocky, Riff Raff, and Magenta. Curry’s mesmerising and timeless performance as the unpredictable scientist is without comparison. Keep an eye out for some sweet surprises.

‘It’s the ultimate cult movie. The first. The biggest. The one cult movie to rule them all’ – BBC

Presented on 35mm film prints from the NFSA collection.

The details

What: The Rocky Horror Picture Show screening
When: Saturday 30 March at 7pm
Where: NFSA Canberra (Arc Cinema)
Cost: $16–18. Book tickets

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