ACT Policing have informed us via Twitter of the following:
Ginn St. Gung. @ Woolies Petrol lge fuel spill Ginn St, Crinnigan cir & Obrien pl will b blockd sevrl hrs plese stay clear NO SMOKING!
Translated, that means there has been a large fuel spill at Ginn St in Gunghalin at Woolworths Petrol.
Ginn St, Crinnigan Circuit and O’Brien Place will be blocked for several hours, so stay clear and do not smoke.
UPDATE: Roads look set to be closed for at least another 4-5 hours. ACT Police just tweeted this:
Ginn St Gungahlin incident will take at least 4-5 hours 2 resolve & it’s essential that peeps stay clear until ACTFB declare it 2 b safe