Gary Rake will lead the ABCB from 17 January 2022. Photo: Canberra Glassworks
Former top ACT Government bureaucrat and CEO of the National Capital Authority Gary Rake has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Office of the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB).
The ABCB sits within the Federal Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Department and is responsible for developing the national codes and standards for building construction in Australia.
My Public Sector
An economist and accountant, Mr Rake is currently the Executive Director of Regional Delivery, NSW Office of Sport, but his many public sector roles have included significant stints in planning-related roles.
He led the NCA from 2009 to 2013, and from 2015 to 2017 he was Deputy Director-General of the ACT Environment, Planning & Sustainable Development Directorate. In 2017 he was the Interim Chief Executive Officer of the new City Renewal Authority.
He has also served as Deputy Director-General Arts, Business, Events, Sport and Tourism, in the ACT Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate during his time with the ACT Government.
Mr Rake left the NCA to be Chief Operating Officer at the Therapeutic Goods Administration.
He maintains links with the Canberra arts community as Chair of Canberra Glassworks in the historic Kingston Power House.

Neil Savery has led the ABCB since 2013. Photo: YouTube.
He replaces another former ACT Government planning bureaucrat, Neil Savery, who led the Planning and Land Authority (ACTPLA) from its inception in 2003 until it was absorbed into EPSDD in 2011.
The Industry, Science, Energy and Resources Department Secretary David Fredericks thanked Mr Savery for his leadership of the ABCB since 2013.
“During this time, Neil has delivered a range of important outcomes for ABCB and has championed improved access, awareness and understanding of the National Construction Code to help improve compliance and lift productivity,” he said in a message to department staff.
Mr Rake will take up his new role on 17 January 2022.