Last night the Pirates’ Glenn Takkenberg (Ginninderra) took us out to the rather nice Zierholz@UC to show us a piratic vision for Canberra in Lego.
Glen’s priorities included: A technology hub, robots, communications technology, small licensed venues, pizza, motorcycles parking on footpaths, bush shelters and buses, public art, the pirate flag over the Legislative Assembly, protesting ninjas, performance art, street trees, teepees on lakes, boating, pirate ships, getting CSIRO to make dragons, a racetrack, rocket powered cars burning recycled oil, driver training facilities, high speed rail, the removal of point to point speed cameras, and less public surveillance
But don’t take my word for it he explains all in the video.
The next one scheduled is the Pirates’ Stuart Biggs tonight at The Hellenic Club In The City.
(Candidates who haven’t slotted themselves in are advised that there will be no candidate challenges after 8 October [we’ve been able to extend it a bit] and we need a week’s notice, so they better get in quick, and should email )
Here’s our nifty calendar, you the public are reminded that you’re very welcome to come along to these things:
Pictured is Glen’s festival atmosphere: