Paid parking int he parliamentary triangle is a bit of a hot issue for a lot of Canberrans. Particularly those who work there.
ABC News are reporting that the NCA have received 70 formal submissions from public servants who are against the idea.
Dozens of Canberra residents have slammed a decision to introduce paid parking near the Parliamentary Triangle, labelling it a “go to work tax”.
The Federal Government is introducing paid parking on national land at Acton, Barton, Parkes and Russell from July next year.
It is expected to cost carpark users about $11 per day.
While I would hate to have to pay to park my car outside my place of work, plenty of people already do exactly every day. Many of those people do not make anywhere near as much as most public servants do.
However just because others have to do it doesn’t automatically make it okay.
Also one must always remember that there are alternatives to parking at work (bikes/buses/carpooling/etc) so calling it a “go to work tax” seems a little extreme.
Anyway enough musings from a bike-riding/license-less/lives-a-walkable-distance-from-all-his-jobs_so-what-would-I-know guy like me, what do you think Rioters?