I read with some interest this morning the Greens propose to commit a modest $35,000 over 4 years to fill the apparent need in Canberra for a Heritage Wiki. For those not in the know a wiki is a collaboratively created website where users can add
and modify content. The Greens feel that a communal online space where Canberrans have a place to upload stories, memories, photographs and films about buildings, objects and places across the ACT is of significant importance in the lead up to Canberra’s centenary next year.
Caroline Le Couteur says “This would be an Australian first, the wiki representing a community based, multi-media heritage
resource, promoting and sharing Canberrans’ sense of pride and belonging to our special city,”
“Canberra has a rich and varied history, and this is well documented, but it is mostly hidden away in libraries or in peoples’ homes and minds”
(and on RiotACT Caroline)