As it wanders off into ever increasing irrelevance the Canberra Times (via it’s iconic arts reporter, Helen Musa) is screaming about plans for the National Gallery that were announced on Stateline last November.
Basically Australians who have not travelled overseas might like to come to the gallery to see a sample of the works of the world’s great masters. But overseas visitors coming here will want to see the best Australian art. Ron Radford has decided he wants the focus of the National Gallery to be the art of this Nation. It’s a debatable point with good arguments either way.
This has all taken the CT by surprise it would seem.
The plan by the gallery’s director, Ron Radford, is believed to have incensed the gallery’s founding director, James Mollison
Only James Mollison has just been on 2CN saying he’s not incensed at all.
Can we take it as read that “is believed…” means “Helen’s friends over lunch speculated…” ?