Four new health centres are planned for locations across Canberra. Photo: ACT Government.
A new 12-room health centre is on the cards for South Tuggeranong and locals have been urged to let the government know exactly what they want to see inside.
A greenfield site near Lanyon Marketplace in Conder will be home to the new facility, with consultation now open until December for the community to help choose what services will be included.
ACT Health Minister Rachel Stephen-Smith said this was about providing more health services closer to home.
“This centre will provide the people of South Tuggeranong with access to multidisciplinary services to treat a range of conditions,” she said.
Options can be submitted either online or face-to-face at one of the community sessions to be held in the coming weeks.
“Listening to consumers and the wider community is key in delivering services and infrastructure that meets the needs of our growing city,” Ms Stephen-Smith said.
“We have seen the great results of strong community engagement in the design of the Critical Services Building at Canberra Hospital and hope to achieve the same result with the new health centre.”
The new health centre in South Tuggeranong will complement the Tuggeranong Community Health Centre that is currently located on Anketell Street, Greenway.
The Greenway centre currently provides a range of services covering child and adolescent health, pregnancy, birth and early childhood, women’s health, dental, pathology, mental health and rehabilitation and allied health.
There is the chance to expand these services further at the Conder facility, with consultation also to be held with clinicians and other healthcare providers.

The new South Tuggeranong Health Centre will be built in Conder. Photo: ACT Government.
The South Tuggeranong Health Centre is the first of four new health centres, with another three centres coming to the Inner South, North Gungahlin and West Belconnen.
The local community will have the opportunity to have their say on these new health centres in 2024.
In-person community consultation sessions for the South Tuggeranong Health Centre will be held at Lanyon Marketplace on 7 November from 2:30 pm to 4:30 pm and 10 November from 12:30 pm to 2:30 pm, with another session to be held at South Point Tuggeranong on 14 November from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm.
Consultation on the design of health centre in South Tuggeranong is open until 1 December 2023. The project is expected to progress to the development application stage in the first half of 2024.