The collective cockles of our hearts were warmed when the Attorney-General, Simon Corbell, appointed our very own Solicitor-General. As Simon explained:
…the Solicitor-General would also appear as counsel in cases of constitutional significance, international cases, and other cases of special government interest.
However, this exchange with Justice Gummow suggests his first High Court outing somewhat misfired:
MR P.J.F. GARRISSON: If it please, your Honour, I appear for the Attorney-General for the Australian Capital Territory intervening. (instructed by ACT Government Solicitor)
HIS HONOUR: I do not think you appear yet, do you?
MR GARRISSON: There has been a notice of appearance filed, your Honour.
HIS HONOUR: But you are intervening?
MR GARRISSON: Yes, your Honour.
HIS HONOUR: Yes, all right. But you do not, I think, as an intervener have any role in what is about to happen.
MR GARRISSON: That is quite correct, your Honour.
Efforts like this are unlikely to raise the esteem in which the High Court holds the ACT legal fraternity.