[First filed: April 28, 2009 @ 14:05]
The Greens’ Amanda Bresnan has expressed joy at “the REDEX trial”.
- “Rapid transit routes are the first step towards the modern, sustainable transport system that Canberra has needed for too long.”
“The two qualities that bring people onto public transport are frequency and speed and the Greens are determined to make improvements in both areas.”
“We congratulate the Chief Minister for taking this on, and we will continue to work with the Government towards a sustainable transport plan.” Ms Bresnan said.
Sooo… What is this REDEX thingy?
UPDATED: Hooray! The Chiefly Mr Stanhope explains all!:
- Commuters can expect a bus every 15 minutes during peak times and every 30 minutes during off-peak times on high demand weekday routes when the ACT Labor Government trials new rapid transit buses,Chief Minister and Minister for Transport Jon Stanhope revealed today.
The Budget will provide $1 million for the new service, REDEX – Rapid Express Direct, to be trialledin 2009-10 between 6:30am and 7pm on weekdays during school terms.
Mr Stanhope said passengers and businesses would benefit from better transport access to town centres and the Parliamentary Triangle.
Commencing in October.
ANOTHER UPDATE: For the Liberals, Zed is furious with what he sees as the Greens giving a free pass to Labor:
- “In the media yesterday, Mr Stanhope claimed that proposed REDEX service, that has only two separate routes connecting major hubs, has met the obligations of a guaranteed bus frequency of 30 minutes. This was one of the promises made by Jon Stanhope to get himself re-instated as Chief Minister.
“However there seems to be confusion between Labor and the Greens with Greens Convenor Meredith Hunter saying this was only ‘one step forward to get closer to a 15-minute frequency but also a 30-minute frequency during the day’.
“It is clear that two routes is not the whole network and this does not meet the goal of 30 minute frequency for all bus routes. Mr Stanhope said this element of the agreement now ‘meets obligations’.
Umm OK Zed… but moving forward what do you think of this proposal and what would you do differently?