I’m sure a number of you saw the “Cotter Road duplication commencing mid October, weather permitting” electronic sign on the side of the road back in early October. It’s now 4 weeks later and they’ve had some amazing progress. They’ve constructed a sign advising of the works, put up temporary fencing on one side of cotter road a week or so ago, and as of yesterday, seem to be cutting down some trees.
I can’t wait to see how long this is going to take this time around. How it takes so long to build a road in Canberra I don’t know, they smash them up in Asia in a matter of a couple months. Watching the strung out Constitution Avenue “duplication” is amazing – one day one set of contractors is pouring concrete, the next another set of contractors is digging/cutting it up. Surely these projects can be much better managed and coordinated. For example, the preferred tram line is running up Constitution Avenue, whilst they’re STILL building that stretch of road and have impacted drivers for years, guess they’ll rip up parts again to lay the tracks instead of doing it at the same time and cause another couple years disruption. Well done guys.
Instead of choking roads during roadworks and converting 1 lane into two way to keep traffic flowing, make it safer for the workers and faster overall for everyone and SHUT the road completely. I’d be more than happy using alternative routes (which of course will get a bit busier with the added traffic) however would still save everyone time and money.
Shutting the road gives the workers have full access to the work site without cars traversing it, can rip everything up at the same time and get it done so much faster. On top of this, why do they not do shift work to get it done 24/7? Building the bridge at Yarralumla Creek is well away from houses, getting it done 24 hours a day shouldn’t have any concerns. Even if they don’t shut the road, shut it after hours and smash out the works and just get them done. Of course there’s an added cost of paying people night wages/etc, however if they can finish the project in 3 months instead of 2.5 years, then the company can go do more works elsewhere and they’ll be financially much better off.
Sportsbet odds of Stage 2 being completed within 24 months is currently at $5 🙂