Today’s Canberra Chimes carries an article about a breach in the fence around the Mulligan’s Flat wildlife sanctuary, to quote:
“ACT rangers will be on the look-out for foxes and feral cats at the Mulligans Flat Woodland Sanctuary in Forde tonight after the weekend’s downpour washed away sections of its predator-proof fence.
The $1.3 million, 12km-long fence enclosing the nature reserve was completed in June last year, and on Sunday it suffered its biggest test with 115mm of rain falling in three days at Mulligans Flat.”
This is not a rant about provision of the fence per se, for it is a commendable initiative, rather I am intrigued by the price tag of $1.3m for a 12 km fence. My trusty $3.00 calculator insists that this works out to $108,000 per km of fence, for what appears to be little more than a good quality chain mesh fence.
Seems a bit excessive to me. Or am I just out of date with the current costs of fencing? If not maybe I need to get me a fencing licence and bid for future lucrative guvvie contracts.