14 June 2012

Hume roadwarriors caught out

| johnboy
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seized cars tyre

ACT Policing has seized three vehicles and issued 52 Traffic Infringement Notices as part of an ongoing police operation to target anti-social behaviour and burnouts in Hume.

Around 2.30pm on Saturday 2 June, police attended Arnott Street in Hume following reports of vehicles performing burnouts in the area. Police saw two vehicles, a silver Ford Falcon utility and a silver Holden Commodore sedan, continually drifting sideways around a roundabout at the end of the street.

The two male drivers were both provisional licence-holders. Their vehicles were seized by police and taken to the Exhibit Management Centre in Mitchell.

In a separate incident around midnight on Saturday 4 May, police seized a blue Holden Commodore utility on Sheppard Street, Hume after receiving reports of the vehicle performing burnouts in the area. The driver, a 19-year-old Jerrabomberra man, will face the ACT Magistrates Court on Tuesday 3 July.

Woden patrol Sergeant Mark Steel said police have increased patrols in Hume after receiving reports from concerned business owners and employees of anti-social behaviour and vehicles performing burnouts.

“In this most recent incident, members of the public confronted the offenders, then sought refuge in a local business after being verbally abused. We have also received several reports of property damage and vandalism in the area, including graffiti, dumping of rubbish and lighting fires,” Sergeant Steel said.

“This anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated by police. We have already seized several cars and will not hesitate to do so again,” Sergeant Steel said.

Under section 5 of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act 1999, police may seize vehicles for offences of street racing, speed trials, burnouts and menacing driving. Vehicles can be seized for up to 90 days for a first offence and may be seized and forfeited to the Territory for a second offence if ordered by the Courts.

If you see any anti-social behaviour or dangerous driving in your area, contact ACT Policing Operations immediately on 131-444.

Anyone with information which can assist the police investigation into the recent anti-social behaviour in Hume is urged contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000, or via the Crime Stoppers website on www.act.crimestoppers.com.au. Information can be provided anonymously.

[Courtesy ACT Policing]

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10 years ago when it was easier for people to find a “time and a place” there were nowhere near the amount of deadbeats doing burnouts in suburban streets.

Now that they can’t get away with it in industrial streets, or open roads away from houses, the idiots are doing it where it’s easier to get away with it and get away from the cops, the suburbs.

Good job pollies and police, nice work making the streets safer.

AmarooStu said :

Do I dare ask? What does a “burnout” prove?

It proves that you’re a dickhead.

Sandman said :

A burnout pad won’t necessarily stop all street related burnouts. Rebellion against the law is a natural trend of society. All you need to do is mention “speed camera hindmarsh” around here to get opinions about how one law is unfair from the same people outraged that the police aren’t enforcing other aspects of the law.

There’s a nice big empty car park at Brand depot. Fence it off, insurance void as soon as you drive through the gate, noise shouldn’t be an issue. Now that all the residences in that area are being claimed for the new Majura Parkway there shouldn’t be anyone to annoy.

no of course it wont stop illegal burnouts totally, I firmly believe that nothing ever will but what it would hopefully do is stop the rh crowd from complaining that they have nowhere to do a burnout legally. Your idea has merit but has no chance of getting approved by the mob that currently governs us, it’d be quite interesting to see what would happen if chic henry gets elected and such a proposal found its way onto his desk, unfortunately the area you propose is not in ginninderra so that will never happen anyway plus the free for all nature of your idea just wouldnt be feasible someone would have to sanction the events and manage the venue it really would work though and it is such a shame that it just is not going to happen.

Sandman said :

There’s a nice big empty car park at Brand depot. Fence it off, insurance void as soon as you drive through the gate, noise shouldn’t be an issue.

Been out there lately? Not much in the way of empty carparks these days, except the boom gate one which will fill up when Snow finally finds tenants for the giant office buildings he has standing empty.

A burnout pad won’t necessarily stop all street related burnouts. Rebellion against the law is a natural trend of society. All you need to do is mention “speed camera hindmarsh” around here to get opinions about how one law is unfair from the same people outraged that the police aren’t enforcing other aspects of the law.

There’s a nice big empty car park at Brand depot. Fence it off, insurance void as soon as you drive through the gate, noise shouldn’t be an issue. Now that all the residences in that area are being claimed for the new Majura Parkway there shouldn’t be anyone to annoy.

willo said :

I have made the following suggestion in previous threads about rush hour but i’ll give it one more go.

Someone from rush hour should contact one of canberra’s existing motorsport facillities ( i’d suggest the speedway but the hill climb or go kart track may also be interested) and offer to either fund or help raise funds (bbq’s at bunnings etc type thing) to build a burnout pad at their facility, naturally it would only be able to be used on compettition days and not every friday night by any tom dick or penelope pitstop. The reason i suggest the speedway club is that i am a member of it and i know the subject of a pad has already been discussed favourably, but funds are not available atm.

I would think that the hillclimb or driver training facility might not be feasible due to the noise. If Mr Dickhead with his noise monitoring device already gets the EPA out during skid pan or motorkhana days, a static burnout would be much noisier.

The speedway is around the corner, closer to the airport isn’t is? Might be the only option.

I have made the following suggestion in previous threads about rush hour but i’ll give it one more go.

Someone from rush hour should contact one of canberra’s existing motorsport facillities ( i’d suggest the speedway but the hill climb or go kart track may also be interested) and offer to either fund or help raise funds (bbq’s at bunnings etc type thing) to build a burnout pad at their facility, naturally it would only be able to be used on compettition days and not every friday night by any tom dick or penelope pitstop. The reason i suggest the speedway club is that i am a member of it and i know the subject of a pad has already been discussed favourably, but funds are not available atm.

For some reason I am being flicked when attempting to quote from page 2 of this thread.

Evan James @#40.

You are obviously aware of the drag strip previously situated at the airport. You should also be aware that this facility was TOTALLY paid for from private funds, the ACT Gov having nothing to do with it except collecting the rates imposed.

This facility was shut down by the wretched Smyth, in cahoots with his mate Snow. Not one cent of compensation was paid to the individuals who financed the facility, and I believe the cost at the time of the forced closing was well over a half mill. It was a commercial success, and the management had concrete plans to extend the track to a full quarter mile. Improvements to the facility were constant.

Why would anyone privately finance another strip when we have weasels like our current crop of politicians who will bend to their developer mate’s wishes and steal any property they desire.

The noise limits were deliberately reduced by Sonic to make any motorsport impossible. The limit applied to the Hillclimb have been imposed to pacify one particular resident of the Ridgeway (NSW) estate. He has been provided with a noise measuring device, and the slightest incursion over that decreed results in an instant visit by the EPA officers. I’m sure many, many ACT residents would love this reaction to their noise complaints.

Motorsport in Canberra has been buried in the too-hard basket by our political masters. There are many motorsport enthusiasts in the ACT, and the Motorists Party is certainly a result of the lack of facilities and active opposition to all things motorsport by the Gov.

Mysteryman said :

Jim Jones said :


Ladies and gentlemen, it finally happened. Jim’s brain is completely broken. Evidently he still possesses some ability to type so we can hope for future contributions as valuable as any he’s yet provided.

That’s gold lol!

The thing i find that exacerbates the problem is that car manufacturers up the ante as far as horsepower is concerned every time they bring out a new model.The current standard holden or ford is as fast now as the v8’s of the past. So the youth of today have easy access to your standard car which is capable of doing burnouts at the drop of a hat!

Do I dare ask? What does a “burnout” prove?

Bonner is privy to this latest trend…..you could scrape enough rubber from the roads in Bonner to make a slightly used Bob Jane ‘All Rounder’ tyre.

Mysteryman said :

FioBla said :

Mysteryman said :

Perhaps you could enlighten us all on who does, and does not, deserve to have the government provide recreational facilities for them? Should everyone take matters into their own hands, or only those who you don’t agree with?

Yay, I get to use the “I do not want my tax dollars being spent on/subsidising [insert activity or risk that I don’t partake in]; let the free market sort it out” card.

Which can still be trumped by the almighty “Think about the children” card, or the “Think about the pensioners” card. Or maybe the “Have you seen the amount of government waste (e.g. public art) we have; send the money our way” card.

The “… for the greater good…” card is devalued at the moment.

That’s quite a hand you’ve got!

Yeah, but the ‘accusations of boganry’ wildcard trumps everything.

FioBla said :

Mysteryman said :

Perhaps you could enlighten us all on who does, and does not, deserve to have the government provide recreational facilities for them? Should everyone take matters into their own hands, or only those who you don’t agree with?

Yay, I get to use the “I do not want my tax dollars being spent on/subsidising [insert activity or risk that I don’t partake in]; let the free market sort it out” card.

Which can still be trumped by the almighty “Think about the children” card, or the “Think about the pensioners” card. Or maybe the “Have you seen the amount of government waste (e.g. public art) we have; send the money our way” card.

The “… for the greater good…” card is devalued at the moment.

That’s quite a hand you’ve got!

Basilbrush said :

G.R.R said :

90 days seizure for a burnout, but last Saturday there were two reports of (repeat) drunk drivers given back their keys after being done for DUI and hours later rebooked on the same charge.

Logic for the win!

Make it 90 days for a drunk driver and a punch in the face!


+1000 !!!

Although I remember when my useless ex boyfriend got busted for DUI… I had to take him back to the station the next day to collect him car from impound.

So I’m confused…. And completely off topic.. WHY can’t they impound cars when people are busted for drink driving ???

Mysteryman said :

Perhaps you could enlighten us all on who does, and does not, deserve to have the government provide recreational facilities for them? Should everyone take matters into their own hands, or only those who you don’t agree with?

Yay, I get to use the “I do not want my tax dollars being spent on/subsidising [insert activity or risk that I don’t partake in]; let the free market sort it out” card.

Which can still be trumped by the almighty “Think about the children” card, or the “Think about the pensioners” card. Or maybe the “Have you seen the amount of government waste (e.g. public art) we have; send the money our way” card.

The “… for the greater good…” card is devalued at the moment.

EvanJames said :

Ah, piss off. Ever thought of actually doing something yourselves? Rather than whinging at the government to obediently obey your demands, get up off your useless arses and actually solve your own problem yourselves.

lol wat

brb… off to build a race track.

Oh that’s right, there’s no sites without whinging namby pambys complaining that it’s too close, oh and I don’t have a spare 100000000000 dollars.

EvanJames said :

I love the comments that go “give us a dragstrip, you can’t blame us for commiting illegal and anti-social acts on the road when you won’t give us a dragstrip”.

Ah, piss off. Ever thought of actually doing something yourselves? Rather than whinging at the government to obediently obey your demands, get up off your useless arses and actually solve your own problem yourselves.

As for a dragway magically solving every problem, I am pretty sure you couldn’t just rock up to the old dragway and do burnouts whenever you felt like it.

As for those annoying EPA noise regulations, they’re there to protect the rights (you know, rights, you love rights) of residents to protection from excessive noise.

I don’t recall any endorsement of illegal behaviour by those who posted sensible suggestions for the provision of recreational driving facilities. Perhaps you could enlighten us all on who does, and does not, deserve to have the government provide recreational facilities for them? Should everyone take matters into their own hands, or only those who you don’t agree with?

ToastFliesRED1:39 pm 15 Jun 12

Scabies12 said :

Im sure everyone understands that yes , burnouts and fast speeds are dangerous .. But in saying that so is the methodone that we supply to people who are “trying” to kick a habit (im not seeing the controversey over this) . /quote]

Sorry, just a minor point of clarification here, yes methadone is a dangerous drug of addiction but clients on methadone programs are prescribed it by a clinician and are required to consume/take said methadone in a controlled environment and under a Government sanctioned program. The equivalent would be to doing burnouts on an sanctioned drag-strip under appropriate supervision. Individuals doing burnouts in other than prescribed places is the equivalent of illegal narcotics. Also, while such programs are an accepted part of many drug treatment programs it would also not be correct to say there is no controversy over such programs.

Just sayin

Off topic;
Interested in the response re use of ‘warrior’.
Seems like RA demographics has a higher representation of those who have worn the love hearts/jelly beans or dare I suggest are old enough to have worn the jungle greens?

roadwarrior was a mad max reference guys.

HardBallGets1:30 pm 15 Jun 12

If you see any anti-social behaviour or dangerous driving in your area, contact ACT Policing Operations immediately on 131-444.

Anyone here actually tried to do this?

I live in a small culdesac occasionally visited by hoons to lay rubber in the turning circle. One day a yob and his mates drove in, smoked ’em up, and left the street all-the-while being completely oblivious to a neighbour and I standing by watching events. Three minutes later they returned to inspect their tyre marks. They were obviously impressed with their handiwork. We weren’t.

I called the Police providing the time of day, vehicle & driver description, number plate, and street name. Police told me they weren’t interested unless I was prepared to go to court to provide evidence.

I asked whether they could take the details anyway for a hoon register in case similar complaints were being made about the same vehicle driving dangerously in suburban streets. Again, they were not interested.


OMG, that would have to be the stupidest load of crap that ever left a teenagers mouth and I have one living at home.
The nursing home comment just shows what a small Infantile mind you really have, look forward to seeing you on the side of the road with a cop booking you. Thats better than having your young undeveloped brain splattered all over the inside of the windscreen.

Mysteryman said :

Jim Jones said :


Ladies and gentlemen, it finally happened. Jim’s brain is completely broken. Evidently he still possesses some ability to type so we can hope for future contributions as valuable as any he’s yet provided.

Ra ra ra free speech ra ra respect my opinion ra ra ra

You get the idea. You can fill in the blanks.

I love the comments that go “give us a dragstrip, you can’t blame us for commiting illegal and anti-social acts on the road when you won’t give us a dragstrip”.

Ah, piss off. Ever thought of actually doing something yourselves? Rather than whinging at the government to obediently obey your demands, get up off your useless arses and actually solve your own problem yourselves.

As for a dragway magically solving every problem, I am pretty sure you couldn’t just rock up to the old dragway and do burnouts whenever you felt like it.

As for those annoying EPA noise regulations, they’re there to protect the rights (you know, rights, you love rights) of residents to protection from excessive noise.

Jim Jones said :


Ladies and gentlemen, it finally happened. Jim’s brain is completely broken. Evidently he still possesses some ability to type so we can hope for future contributions as valuable as any he’s yet provided.

Keijidosha said :

I would be interested to hear what options exist (or could be created) in the region for people with this kind of interest. For example, many people want a dragway (but I have trouble seeing how that would help people with limited budgets especially given the limited time that they would have on the strip). Do people have access to skidpans or racetracks? What about someone’s spare paddock for bush bashing (assuming that they can get around the insurance hassles).

The only off-street tarmac facilities in Canberra are the Sutton driver training facility and hillclimb track. Wakefield Park near Goulburn is the nearest racing circuit, however none of these facilities permit burnouts. The closest place that allows burnouts is WSID at Eastern Creek in Sydney, which has a burnout pad alongside the dragstrip.

To me it is complete idiocy for Canberra to host Sumernats — an event which showcases and legitimises burnouts — yet outside of this one event we don’t have a facility that allows people to perform a burnout legally. There are those who will argue that having such a facility wouldn’t prevent people from doing burnouts on public roads (and I don’t disagree), but without that option you can only expect burnouts will be done on local streets.

I’m not a supporter of the dragway per se, but Canberra is in desperate need of a holistic driving facility that gives reasonable opportunity for motoring enthusiasts to indulge in their chosen hobby safely and legally. As it stands the facilities we have are very limited, expensive, and heavily hamstrung by stringent EPA noise limits.



I would be interested to hear what options exist (or could be created) in the region for people with this kind of interest. For example, many people want a dragway (but I have trouble seeing how that would help people with limited budgets especially given the limited time that they would have on the strip). Do people have access to skidpans or racetracks? What about someone’s spare paddock for bush bashing (assuming that they can get around the insurance hassles).

The only off-street tarmac facilities in Canberra are the Sutton driver training facility and hillclimb track. Wakefield Park near Goulburn is the nearest racing circuit, however none of these facilities permit burnouts. The closest place that allows burnouts is WSID at Eastern Creek in Sydney, which has a burnout pad alongside the dragstrip.

To me it is complete idiocy for Canberra to host Sumernats — an event which showcases and legitimises burnouts — yet outside of this one event we don’t have a facility that allows people to perform a burnout legally. There are those who will argue that having such a facility wouldn’t prevent people from doing burnouts on public roads (and I don’t disagree), but without that option you can only expect burnouts will be done on local streets.

I’m not a supporter of the dragway per se, but Canberra is in desperate need of a holistic driving facility that gives reasonable opportunity for motoring enthusiasts to indulge in their chosen hobby safely and legally. As it stands the facilities we have are very limited, expensive, and heavily hamstrung by stringent EPA noise limits.

Well personally after having nearly been hit by an idiot doing burnouts and trying their hand at doing donuts at the T intersection of Sheppard St and Tralee St in Hume on a busy Friday afternoon, I applaud the police for their actions. I would go further and suggest that the punishments should be:

First Offence – 90 days impoundment of vehicle
Second Offence – 180 days impoundment of vehicle
Third Offence – Vehicle crushed and offender billed for the crushing and waste removal.

troutfisher said :

This is exactly the sort of stuff the AFP helicopter should have been working on. Easy to get from one location to another location quicker than the “car club”, find the dickheads doing burn outs and driving like idiots from the air, and then track them to a point where they can be stopped and apprehended without any potential danger to the other law abiding traffic users.

OMG – please don’t start the helicopter debate going again LOL

G.R.R said :

90 days seizure for a burnout, but last Saturday there were two reports of (repeat) drunk drivers given back their keys after being done for DUI and hours later rebooked on the same charge.

Logic for the win!

Make it 90 days for a drunk driver and a punch in the face!


I believe we may have a contender for the June Mully Cup!

Scabies12 said :

Oh dear .. As i clearly stated i was not having a go , but fairs fair .
This is my opinion , if you’d like to sit at home and be oblivious to the world around you then so be it ,
Sit around and think that your a high member of the community .. Then when your children turn into crack smoking grade A junkies feel free to say that providing entertainment is wrong .
Bogan ? Moron ? This is the reason why there is such controversey towards the public , you know nothing about me … Let alone to have the right to throw derogatory words around at a 17 year old , one question do you feel tough ? This is freedom of speech . Just remember my generation will be the ones looking after your nursing homes & its not looking so good is it … Hooligans

Scabies12 said :

im sure that any locals on this website would understand that Canberra has very little to offer to the younger people in . This results in teenagers getting frustrated and Using there very limited imaginations to entertain themselves .

Fixed it for you.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd said :

Scabies12 said :

Oh dear .. As i clearly stated i was not having a go , but fairs fair .
This is my opinion , if you’d like to sit at home and be oblivious to the world around you then so be it ,
Sit around and think that your a high member of the community .. Then when your children turn into crack smoking grade A junkies feel free to say that providing entertainment is wrong .
Bogan ? Moron ? This is the reason why there is such controversey towards the public , you know nothing about me … Let alone to have the right to throw derogatory words around at a 17 year old , one question do you feel tough ? This is freedom of speech . Just remember my generation will be the ones looking after your nursing homes & its not looking so good is it … Hooligans

Nursing homes. Lol I’m only a decade older than you. Are you really saying its do sick burnouts or be a junkie? So ignorant. As I said, I always had cars that could do awesome burnouts, but didn’t, because you know I’m not a mong.

Also, never wore the baggy greens, but did wear the dpcu’s. And yes the thought of you calling yourself a warrior is really gross.

Off topic I know, but I’m having a huge mental readjustment here. Unfortunately, I’ve always envisioned the comic_and_gamer_nerd as the comic book guy from the Simpsons. My apologies, digger. 🙂

Ermm, not to defend Ms Scabies in anyway, but I believe she mentioned the warrior thing because it’s what someone has called them in the thread title. Not because she chose the word.

Scabies12 said :

… Sit around and think that your a high member of the community .. Then when your children turn into crack smoking grade A junkies feel free to say that providing entertainment is wrong .
Bogan ? Moron ? This is the reason why there is such controversey towards the public , you know nothing about me … Let alone to have the right to throw derogatory words around at a 17 year old , one question do you feel tough ? This is freedom of speech . Just remember my generation will be the ones looking after your nursing homes & its not looking so good is it … Hooligans

You go girlfriend! Making dumb-ass bogans everywhere proud. *wipes away a tear*

+1 Scabies and congratulations on your maturity for a 17 year old btw.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd9:58 pm 14 Jun 12

Scabies12 said :

Oh dear .. As i clearly stated i was not having a go , but fairs fair .
This is my opinion , if you’d like to sit at home and be oblivious to the world around you then so be it ,
Sit around and think that your a high member of the community .. Then when your children turn into crack smoking grade A junkies feel free to say that providing entertainment is wrong .
Bogan ? Moron ? This is the reason why there is such controversey towards the public , you know nothing about me … Let alone to have the right to throw derogatory words around at a 17 year old , one question do you feel tough ? This is freedom of speech . Just remember my generation will be the ones looking after your nursing homes & its not looking so good is it … Hooligans

Nursing homes. Lol I’m only a decade older than you. Are you really saying its do sick burnouts or be a junkie? So ignorant. As I said, I always had cars that could do awesome burnouts, but didn’t, because you know I’m not a mong.

Also, never wore the baggy greens, but did wear the dpcu’s. And yes the thought of you calling yourself a warrior is really gross.

Scabies12 said :

Oh dear .. As i clearly stated i was not having a go , but fairs fair .
This is my opinion , if you’d like to sit at home and be oblivious to the world around you then so be it ,
Sit around and think that your a high member of the community .. Then when your children turn into crack smoking grade A junkies feel free to say that providing entertainment is wrong .
Bogan ? Moron ? This is the reason why there is such controversey towards the public , you know nothing about me … Let alone to have the right to throw derogatory words around at a 17 year old , one question do you feel tough ? This is freedom of speech . Just remember my generation will be the ones looking after your nursing homes & its not looking so good is it … Hooligans

Yes this is freedom of speech, right here on RiotAct. You have your say and I have mine. Nobody has any real “rights” here but thanks to our overlords (onya JB) we all get the chance for a bit of a spray every now and then.

So you’ve had your say. I reckon that it is, being charitable, illiterate semi coherent rambling without logic or reason. I have no regard for your ravings. That’s my say.

And as for your nasty comment about nursing homes, the only difference between young and old is that the older people get to a given age first. Sure, your age cohort may be looking after my mob in the nursing home. But my youngest child is far younger than you ( if you really are 17), and when you’re an old fart, his generation will be looking after *you* in your nursing home (if you’re lucky) and sneering at you, as you are at me. Believe me, that time will come, and I don’t think you should be expecting too much from *them* when *you’re* tottering around with dementia drooling and leaking into your adult diaper.

And I guarantee that even though he’s only in primary school he can reason, write and spell far better than you can now, or ever will be able to.

Scabies12 said :

Well well well,
Thanks 🙂

As someone who likes to occasionally break the odd road traffic law on my chosen motor vehicle, I try not to be too judgemental. BUT, by forming named groups, and getting together to break these laws in big groups is just asking to attract attention from the fuzz. When they turn up you really need to harden up a little an take it on the chin.

The people in the OP, were not on a remote quiet road at midnight. As many people have mentioned, there are several businesses which are open sat arvo in Hume.

Having said that, I cannot believe that the cops can’t impound a car (even for 24 hrs) for drunk driving, but can take it for three months for burnouts, I really hope that law is applied with discretion.

PS – why is the car group named after a Jackie Chan movie?

Hey I have a really great idea for the bored bogans. Put them to work cleaning off graffiti, picking up rubbish including cigarette butts, scrapping chewing gum off the sidewalks and removing burn out marks from the roads.

Oh dear .. As i clearly stated i was not having a go , but fairs fair .
This is my opinion , if you’d like to sit at home and be oblivious to the world around you then so be it ,
Sit around and think that your a high member of the community .. Then when your children turn into crack smoking grade A junkies feel free to say that providing entertainment is wrong .
Bogan ? Moron ? This is the reason why there is such controversey towards the public , you know nothing about me … Let alone to have the right to throw derogatory words around at a 17 year old , one question do you feel tough ? This is freedom of speech . Just remember my generation will be the ones looking after your nursing homes & its not looking so good is it … Hooligans

Scabies12 said :

Well well well ,
Just a little introducuary on myself i am a local female from Canberra , you may refer to me as a ‘warrior’ a nuicemce to society or you could just respect my right to voice my opinion .


Thanks 🙂

Thank you for voicing your opinion. You have every right to do so in this forum and others.

Having said that, here’s my opinion.

As someone who once wore the baggy green (and I’m not talking about a cricket hat), I find the idea of referring to you as a “warrior” to be vomit inducing. I live next door to a nice middle aged woman who recently returned from 6 months in Afghanistan where she was exposed to regular rocket attacks and other life threatening dangers while in the service of our country. Nobody should be fooled by her outward appearance. She’s a warrior. You’re not. Don’t do that again.

I don’t have the time, energy or interest in engaging with all of the other stuff you wrote, apart from pointing out that every single bit of it is wrong, silly, confused, misguided and stuff like that.

Don’t refer to yourself as “Scabies” and expect people to have any regard for your views.

Finally, in order to be taken seriously by adults you should learn to spell, use correct pronunciation and write grammatically correct sentences.

Canberra has heaps to offer young people. Some are just too moronic to find something to do and of course are unwilling to recognise that and thus have to blame society.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd8:42 pm 14 Jun 12

Angry motorist: did you read the post about there being a lot of kids in Hume at that time? (moron)

Scabies: are you comparing drug addiction to….burnout addiction? Lol. U til I had kids I always had rad cars that could do a awesome burnout, but I think the last time I did one was in year 11. It’s effing dumb and shows you have no sense do self respect or danger to others. ( bogan moron)

90 days seizure for a burnout, but last Saturday there were two reports of (repeat) drunk drivers given back their keys after being done for DUI and hours later rebooked on the same charge.

Logic for the win!

Make it 90 days for a drunk driver and a punch in the face!

Well well well ,
Just a little introducuary on myself i am a local female from Canberra , you may refer to me as a ‘warrior’ a nuicemce to society or you could just respect my right to voice my opinion .
I’d just like to point out that i am in no way attacking anyone or trying to push my opinion , i just think that everyone needs to hear both sides of this predicument .
I have been attending RH & other car groups for quite some time as have my older siblings before me ,
Im sure everyone understands that yes , burnouts and fast speeds are dangerous .. But in saying that so is the methodone that we supply to people who are “trying” to kick a habit (im not seeing the controversey over this) . Without trying to pull the attention away , id just like to point out the fact that there are many other things that personally i think the afp could be focusing on … Ever thought of who your neighbor is ? Youd be very surprised as to what canberra hides behind its curtains.
As majority of you have pointed out the occerances that are taking place are not in a surburban areas (this is for a reason ) , im sure that any locals on this website would understand that Canberra has very little to offer to the younger people in . This results in teenagers getting frustrated and Using there very vast imaginations to entertain themselves . These are not bad kids , its not a gang that sets out to cause trouble mearly a large group of friends meeting up & making entertainment . Some of you also mention abuse towards the public , not once in the 3 years ive been attending these events have i seen “abuse” , i have seen anti socal behaviour from the public that then results in retaliation because of the strong formed relationships between people who attend the car groups , much the same as if you were defending your family .
I could go on for ages to try and convince each and every one of you to change your view , but my opinion is very mere compared to our oh so mighty afp .
Thanks 🙂

Make it legal and tax it (or pay to use it). The dragway would have been great for that.

Otherwise one should ask, where can burnouts be done?

angrymotorist17:02 pm 14 Jun 12

When I was a young bloke it was almost an unwritten rule that burnouts in a heavy industrial area on a Saturday afternoon were OK. Where is the crime here really? At least they weren’t doing it in the suburbs where little kids are around. Use a bit of judgement AFP, jesus.

This is exactly the sort of stuff the AFP helicopter should have been working on. Easy to get from one location to another location quicker than the “car club”, find the dickheads doing burn outs and driving like idiots from the air, and then track them to a point where they can be stopped and apprehended without any potential danger to the other law abiding traffic users.

I would be very happy to see my roads safer and minimising our terrible traffic statistics just as I am sure many of the business owners in Hume would like to see the “car club” go somewhere else.

If someone knows anyone in the cops, can you ask why this didn’t happen and get back to us.

NFI said :

Seizing vehicles for minor traffic infringements is a bit over the top isn’t it?

Not in the case of deliberate dickheadery. I don’t think speeding or even one or two DUI’s (within reason, obviously) but when you’re actively and consciously being a danger and a nuisance in 750+ kgs of solid metal then I think it’s perfectly reasonable.

grunge_hippy6:21 pm 14 Jun 12

There are 2 dance schools, a fitness studio that runs Tai Kwon Do classes for children, all which operate on a daily basis, including Saturday. These knob jockeys were caught during the day. Will all you who say it is harmless fun be saying the same thing when they wipe out a family?


What happened to the government’s promise of a dragway??

In the recent past, I also would be questioning how appropriate siezing motor vehicles from burnout kings was. The penalty seemed far greater than the crime.

However, this behaviour has become common in suburbia, and whilst unaffected in my residence, the rubber results left on the road demonstrate a bunch of low intelligence adolescents have this way been.

Having witnessed a yoof in his (what else) Commodore pull a wheelie in broad daylight at a Mawson intersection, it has occurred to me that these idiots are so stupid that confiscation of the vehicle is probably the best way of getting through to them.

More strength to the AFP bow.

Ongoing related matters on this one in addition to the fact that truck drivers are attempting to catch up on their zeds for a few hours through the night. Most of the Hume businesses have security cameras fitted and are patrolled 24/7 so kids choose another venue such as dirt roads away from business and residential areas – the long Jerangle one a good start, perhaps Shannons Flat or some forest roads via Tharwa to Cooma, better still buy an old rally car, keep your decent vehicles for town/work and burn out to your hearts content.

Comic_and_Gamer_Nerd4:43 pm 14 Jun 12


Seizing vehicles for minor traffic infringements is a bit over the top isn’t it?

VYBerlinaV8_is_back4:05 pm 14 Jun 12

Solidarity said :

Few burnouts in an industrial estate… meh. Better than suburbia.

+1. Hardly the crime of the century.

keepitup said :

“If you see any anti-social behaviour or dangerous driving in your area, contact ACT Policing Operations immediately on 131-444. . .”

I live in Kambah. I’ll never be off the phone.

Tuggies would be safe if they squashed ’em

colourful sydney racing identity3:55 pm 14 Jun 12

keepitup said :

“If you see any anti-social behaviour or dangerous driving in your area, contact ACT Policing Operations immediately on 131-444. . .”

I live in Kambah. I’ll never be off the phone.

I live in Kambah, we can take it in turns…

Few burnouts in an industrial estate… meh. Better than suburbia.

“If you see any anti-social behaviour or dangerous driving in your area, contact ACT Policing Operations immediately on 131-444. . .”

I live in Kambah. I’ll never be off the phone.

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