ACT Liberal Senator Gary Humphries has resolved to talk to Prime Minister John Howard about leaving the ACT’s civil union legislation alone in the party room metting this morning, the Canberra Times reports.
At the same time the ACT Speaker, Wayne Berry, will take an address by the Legislative Assembly to Governor-General Michael Jeffery asking him to let the legislation stand. It is worth noting that although the Governor-General can pass on what has been said to him, in the end he must act on the request of his Prime Minister or stand down.
Federal Labor will move a disallowance motion in the Senate to stop the Government recommending to the Governor-General that he use the Self-Government Act to overturn the Civil Unions Act. Because the Government needs to bring debate on to stop this motion, Labor needs two Government senators to cross the floor. Gary Humphries indicated previously he may consider being one of these.
UPDATED by Johnboy: The disallowance has now been published. It is itself a disallowable instrument so the fight will be kicking off for real in the Senate shortly. Phillip Ruddock’s media release is online.