The local American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics Section presents:
Dr. Andrew Neely
Senior Lecturer
School of Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering
Australian Defence Force Academy
Building #20, School of Aerospace, Civil & Mechanical Engineering
Australian Defence Force Academy, Northcott Drive, Canberra
A map can be found here. Please park in the North Carpark and meet outside the north eastern door of the building.
Come and learn about the technical issues that must be overcome for flight at greater than 5 times the speed of sound. Find out about the latest research being undertaken by the University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy in the field of hypersonics and tour their hypersonic shock tunnel facility and laboratories.
RSVPs appreciated: Contact Michael West via michaelDOTwestATanuDOTeduDOTau or 0421062650.
About Dr. Andrew Neely
Dr Andrew Neely completed his PhD on the initial development of superorbital expansion tube facilities to enable the aerothermodynamic testing of hypersonic planetary entry flow fields at the University of Queensland in 1996. By that time he had been appointed to the Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre in Heat Transfer and Aerodynamics at Oxford University on the investigation of heat signature reduction strategies for aero-engine exhausts. For this work he received the Edwin Walker Prize from the Institute of Mechanical Engineers in 1997. Subsequently Dr Neely investigated new aero-engine fire-certification processes for which he patented (with colleagues at Rolls-Royce plc and the University of Oxford), a novel technique for experimentally simulating, at low temperature, the convective heat transfer process in a high temperature flame as applied to the testing of aero-engine structural components. He also pioneered the use of a gun tunnel facility to simulate the jet impingement process associated with aeroengine combustion chamber burnthrough. He was made a Rolls-Royce Research Fellow in 2000 but returned to Australia in 2002 where he was appointed as a Senior Lecturer for the University of New South Wales (UNSW), at the Australian Defence Force Academy. His main research interests include hypersonics, aerothermodynamics, aero-structures, gas turbine engines, and related experimental techniques. Dr Neely and his colleagues in Canberra, have successfully demonstrated, for the first time, the ability of a cavity flameholder to initiate and sustain combustion in a scramjet combustor at high flight Mach number in shock tunnel tests. Recently he has been responsible, within the Australian Hypersonics Initiative, for the thermal-structural analysis of the HyCAUSE scramjet flight experiment (funded by DARPA), which flew an operational scramjet engine at a flight Mach number of 10 from the Woomera test range in June 2007.
Today, with more than 31,000 members, American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics is the world’s largest professional society devoted to the progress of engineering and science in aviation, space, and defense. The Institute continues to be the principal voice, information resource, and publisher for aerospace engineers, scientists, managers, policy makers, students, and educators. AIAA is also the go-to resource for stimulating professional accomplishment and standards-driven excellence in all areas of aerospace for prominent corporations and government organisations worldwide.
In February 1998, the Sydney Section, Australia, was chartered as the first AIAA Section outside of the USA. The AIAA Sydney Section encompasses all AIAA members in New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory, and the Section Council is currently based in Canberra, ACT.