21 February 2023

Hypocrisy in government's message about contractors, Senate estimates told

| Chris Johnson
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Woman at Senate Estimates

DEWR Secretary Natalie James conceded at Senate Estimates yesterday that APS salaries are often uncompetitive with contractor rates. Photo: Screenshot.

The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has come under fire during Senate Estimates for engaging a high number of contractors at the same time its minister has railed against the practice.

Liberal senator Michaelia Cash described it as “hypocritical” that DEWR has more than a thousand contractors when Employment Minister Tony Burke has been so vocal about ending “insecure work” practices in the private sector.

“If they were serious about cracking down on insecure work, there wouldn’t be 1000 contractors in the Department of Employment,” Senator Cash said.

“Mr Burke should either climb off his high horse on this issue or enforce his own policies within his own department.”

Changes made to industrial relations laws in December limit fixed-term contracts, disallowing the same role to be contracted for more than two years.

In Senate estimates this week, DEWR bosses said there were 1021 contractors in the department.

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Department secretary Natalie James said the process has begun where some contractors in contact centres were being offered ongoing employment through the merit system.

But it was with the number of IT specialists that changing contracts becomes problematic.

“These are workers who are used to working as contractors and the equivalency in terms of APS salary is not necessarily attractive to them,” Ms James said.

“That’s something we can’t immediately do because we don’t have the structures there.”

Senator Cash noted that it wasn’t a good look.

“It’s okay to have non-permanent roles in the Australian Public Service, in particular in Canberra, because of the market in which we operate, but at the same time, you have a minister who, in speech after speech, and statement after statement, says we want to crack down on so-called insecure work for everybody else,” Senator Cash said.

“It’s just the inconsistency in message.”

Ms James said the Australian Public Service as a whole was struggling with how to reduce the number of contractors, but there seemed to be an increase in IT contractors across the sector.

“I think that the Canberra-based public service has probably contributed to the way this industry operates by continuing to hire so many contractors,” she said.

“If the public service as a whole makes decisions about how we’re going to go about engaging our very talented technology workforce differently, then that would influence the market.

“I think that that might shift the way that people think about jobs.”

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In separate estimates, Services Australia revealed it was paying IT contractors about $1300 a day for work at APS 5 and 6 levels.

Chief information and digital officer Charles McHardie said there were no plans to let any more contractors go from Services Australia this year.

“If you look at the amount of work the agency has had to do over the past couple of years, we have had to put on a lot of contractors,” he said.

Services Australia got to a ratio of almost 50-50 contractors versus public servants but was now at a level of 67 per cent of staff being public servants.

About 1200 contractors were laid off at Services Australia late last year, with many shown the door right before Christmas.

In estimates this week, it was confirmed that about 1200 contractors had now gone, with only 140 being transitioned into non-ongoing public service jobs.

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Plenty of pretend ICT contractors.
The ones with relevant software development skills have to pull triple weight.
To avoid a project failing contractor takes on everyone’s work.

Deal with government agenda, We promised in our Ivory tower in May’22 our books will read this hence I pronounce you guilty for being a contractor.
There are groups of APS who want bad treatment for contractors as a means to justify them being permanent.
Trying to push policy exclusively for them (parking, working from home and just read the articles here).

Contractor you’re paid more, just absorb it says EL2. APS rub in their dream super balances perks, yearly raises and holidays. Waiting for the time contractors are cut. This last statement makes me loose all confidence.

I’ve only ever seen admin and policy expand the development roles are kept out of reach (EL2 being the chairmans lounge).
I wish like private organisations we had real performance measures and firing of non performance APS and contractors alike. I can assure true government efficiency is sitting right there in that last action. It just needs a gutsy leader to action it.

If I am any good I can take up the role of this fired permanent staff!

Small businesses selling the same word document with shiny keywords and pictures to umpteen agencies. Verify claims against successful deliveries its not that hard. Family run ICT businesses with unqualified owners stop them (gravy train). The only other efficiency ever needed!

Every year after constant job hunts (insecurities built into contracting) my family thinks there’s something wrong with me.

My last wish now is this government comes through with their promise and cuts all of us.
I can start over maybe go back home, my family won’t understand anyway.
Certain entitled APS will celebrate, not all!

To add insult to this.
I know there are plenty of pretend ICT specialists who should never be contracting in the first place.

The ones with relevant software development skills have to pull triple weight.
1. Many permanent staff who are just billing projects on paper (not all as there are exceptions and I’ve worked with some excellent model APS rare as they come)
2. The non performance talkers who should never have been contractors.

To avoid a project failing the contractor has no choice but to pull up and take on everyone’s work.
On top of that there’s constant personal agenda of governments.

Latest in this government agenda series being I promised in my Ivory tower in May’22 that the books will read this by xxx date hence I pronounce you guilty for being a contractor.

No one’s ever offered me permanent role. I’ve only ever seen admin and policy expand the development roles are kept out of reach.

Talk about second class treatment there are groups of APS who want bad treatment for contractors as a means to justify them being permanent.

Right from work from home difference to parking and use of facilities always trying to push a policy exclusively for them.
I’ve been mocked many times by EL2 Level APS who got in APS 15 years ago. Contractors are paid more so they need to just absorb it. Then they’ll rub in their amazing Super balances and perks and yearly raises and holidays without me bringing the topic. Then go on to tell me they are my boss and are waiting for the time contractors are cut. The mental effect of this last statement is such that I loose all confidence and just keep quiet.

I wish like private organisations we had real performance measures and firing of non performance APS and contractors alike. I can assure true government efficiency is sitting right there in that last action. It just needs a gutsy leader to act on it.

If I am any good I can take up the role of this fired permanent staff!

Then comes small businesses abusing governments small business work preference. They’ll sell the same word document with shiny keywords and pictures to as many agencies as possible. Stomping this kind of talk the talk work.
Verify delivery credentials against successful deliveries they have completed is the only other efficiency ever needed.
I’ve seen family members joining these businesses coming from non ICT background (gravy train).

Every year after constant job hunts (due of the insecurities built into contracting) my family thinks there’s something wrong with me.

My last wish now is this government comes through with their promise and cuts all of us.
I can start over maybe go back home my family will understand. I don’t even care!

Well they better not ask defence these questions…they are 30% employees and 70% contractors….

As a former contractor for a decade across ten different fed departments I am furious about this appalling treatment of people. The fact is that EVERY PERSON DESERVES JOB SECURITY. Currently the contractor model simply and blatantly breaks many of the Australian Human Rights conventions it’s too laborious to mention all the ways, but I will leave this link here for those interested: https://humanrights.gov.au/our-work/rights-and-freedoms/right-work-and-rights-work

The contractor model is now being abused by a bunch of APS sycophants.

The contractors who actually are doing the work, are treated like second class citizens in most departments.

It’s a woeful and shameful state of affairs for the APS.

The only contracts that should be allowed should be for actual IT software programmers or hardware specialists … or
Brain surgeons etc. But contracts should NOT be allowed for policy or comms or administrative officers. These roles should only ever be done by permanent Staff. And if there’s not enough staff, hire more – and offer permanent roles.

The APS must have a massive shakeup.

APS Departments must offer real and secure jobs to people.

Not once have I ever met another contractor who liked it or chose that over permanency.

Every single contractor I connected with in a decade – 100% – were just trying to support their families, and they would’ve done anything for a secure stable permanent role. They kept applying and applying and applying but the roles were given to the people who’d been there the longest, or else those who “performed “ at an interview like some sort of trained parrot.

The APS Senior establishment must wake up. Shake ‘em up. It’s time for a massive overhaul.

If Michaela Cash says it’s hypocritical and “not a good look” you can take that to the bank.

Can’t think of anyone whose activities/conduct in government would put them in a better place to recognise hypocrisy and things that aren’t a good look.

Isn’t it a bit hypocritical of Michaela Cash to use the word hypocritical to describe the employment of contractors when many of these contractors began their contract while her party was in power and when the biggest cause of the decline of the public service that led to the need for these contractors was the Coalition. Methinks Michaela Cash needs a very big mirror.

Her party imposed FTE caps to encourage the use of contractors. Its incredibly hypocritical I would suggest, not just hypocritical

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