This is the question I’m asking my self over the next few weeks, to give you some backstory I recently started teaching and I’m in the technology department I also recently graduated so the currency of my ICT skills are mint and I must say I love the Heck out of my job, I teach years 7-10.
I have an I-pad (provided by the school) I use teacher pal this app lets me have a profile for each student and be able to contact them and their parents by email very handy if you have any idea about what its like to collect over 120 students emails plus the parents contact emails not to mention the dual family added bonus.
Whats that you say ….it couldn’t be simpler…. well there is this funny thing that INTACT or who ever sets up the protocols do ‘called every time you you want to use your ipad or go to a new page or just have your ipad function in the library or your office or the mac labs or the workshop without interrupting you’ it asks for Authentication now this is not really a hugh problem if you only have to do it once.
This happens to the kids to.
Twice, thrice, four times wait can’t I just hit cancel or ok or why don’t I reset my I-pad or maybe it’s just me. Maybe I should just stick to VHS and paper booklets rather then pursue this technology.
Think of this people I’m talking about entering the 17 letters of my full name and then using my STRONG password of another 15 or so characters how long does that really maybe under a minute. Ask yourself this how many times do you have to re-enter a password and think of me a teacher relying on tech to educate your kids and I’m hitting a firewall a lot, to much to make it worth it sometimes.
So now possibly you understand my position I havent talked about the other apps that I use for OH&S or the site management apps I use for VET students, but my point is there is so much more to I-pads then surfing or games and when you have over a 100 ipads at school $50,000 to assist in student learning and they are hitting the fire wall like I do my question is Do I-pads work in middles school?
INTACT I’m only a rookie but you are a collection of staff set up to assist in the education of students. I’m in the class I use tutor control I monitore my students computer usage and I have a tablet version of the software available to use.
This problem of Authentication doesn’t only happen with I-pads this happens with our desktops our lap tops our PC’s.
I will post again in September after some more trials.
Every Parent tax payer and INTACT member out there should know about the cost of Authentication to quality class time.