Chief Minister Stanhope has announced that his government is going to start calling people up to tell them how great walking is as part of the Walk21 push he’s signed us up to.
“The survey will ask Canberrans to express their opinion on the importance of walking and identify the physical, social and institutional barriers that limit walking in the ACT,” Mr Stanhope said.
“Feedback from participants will be focused on five key areas including current walking profiles, motivational tools for walking, barriers and perceptions of walking and identifying what can be done to encourage more walking in the ACT.
It gets better:
“The Make Walking Count benchmarking survey is a step in the right direction to help improve the culture of walking in the ACT. I encourage all Canberrans who may be contacted over the next few weeks to have their say,” Mr Stanhope said.
The Walk21 Make Walking Count benchmarking survey will take between 15 and 20 minutes to complete and will conclude by 17 December 2010.
One man’s push-poll is another person’s socratic learning. But where’s pedal power in this violent assault on the cycling community?