Last night The Greens’ James Higgins (Ginninderra) came down to Duxton so you can see his boyfriend demolish a $10 t-bone steak in time lapse, as well as take in his lego vision for Canberra.
James’ priorities included: Light rail, free wifi on public transport, sporting facilities, rollerderby, high speed rail, high rise offices, cafes, public art, medium density housing, wind turbines, solar power, disability taxis, emergency services, space for backyards, churches, large scale solar, higher education, bars with live music, creative industries, bike paths, parks, a Lake Ginninderra clean to swim in, recreational boating, gay marriage, and dead dinosaurs,
But don’t take my word for it, he explains all in the video.
The next one is scheduled is Andrew Wall (Liberal for Brindabella) on 19 September at Duxton, but the calendar might yet fill out, we’ll keep you posted.
(Candidates who haven’t slotted themselves in are advised that there will be no candidate challenges after 28 September and we need a week’s notice, so they better get in quick, and should email )
Here’s our nifty calendar, you the public are reminded that you’re very welcome to come along to these things:
Pictured are two ladies getting married over the body of a dinosaur.