The Economic Development Directorate is making the case for a large office building to envelop all the minions of the ACT Government:
The building will allow for more efficient and integrated service delivery to the Canberra community. Many existing Government buildings are old and cannot be brought up to today’s standards, even with a significant investment. Proceeds from the sale of these buildings will offset the cost of the new building.
Importantly, the investment in the project will not come at the expense of other capital works for the Canberra community. By constructing and owning the building, the Government will save money by not paying rent – while also holding an asset of considerable commercial value into the future.
The building will achieve a high environmental standard that would not otherwise be possible using the existing buildings. The new building will reduce the Government’s energy consumption and CO2 emissions, moving us towards carbon neutrality.
The Canberra public will have better access to Government services through the new building, with a central public interface located in the City centre. It will also provide a focal point for future transport options along Northbourne Avenue.
The building will:
— improve interaction within the Canberra Theatre precinct and will act as a Town Hall – including public access meeting rooms, and a one-stop shopfront for ACT Government services;
— ensure that the accommodation standards afforded to ACT public servants match those in the Commonwealth, helping us to attract and retain staff;
— provide significant environmental, economic, and workforce benefits; and
— offer the best value-for-money for ACT taxpayers.The ‘do nothing’ option is not only irresponsible but will actually cost Canberrans more than the proposed building.
They’ve certainly put a lot of work into it.