28 January 2024

Labor preselection farce damaged affirmative action, and the party

| Ian Bushnell
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All smiles now: Taimus Werner-Gibbings is back on the ticket, but Labor took a hit in the process. Photo: Region.

There is no doubt the Labor Party’s affirmative action policy has been successful in getting more women into parliaments across the nation.

While the Liberal Party has resisted such a move despite internal pressure from those concerned about its lack of adequate female representation and a public perception that it has a problem with women, actively encouraged by opponents, Labor has written into its rule book measures that require a certain number of women to be preselected.

The Liberals don’t like quotas on principle, arguing that women should be chosen and elected on their merits.

Nothing wrong with that theoretically, but on the ground, it doesn’t seem to be working.

So kudos to Labor for giving women a helping hand.

But every now and then, the process can go a little awry and turn farcical.

The preselection contest for the Brindabella electorate in Canberra’s south is a case in point.

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The original outcome, where the top-polling candidate, a man, was dumped to ensure the female quota caused enough of a stink for the ACT’s three federal MPS and Chief Minister Andrew Barr to intervene.

The subsequent deal put Taimus Werner-Gibbings back on to the ticket, along with Louise Crossman, the woman who bumped him off.

Another woman who had been preselected will now contest the neighbouring Murrumbidgee electorate, where a man has had to make way for her.

It’s a good result for Mr Werner-Gibbings, who you would have thought would have been safe from the quota machinations after outpolling sitting MLA and Minister Mick Gentleman.

But being unaligned factionally was probably his undoing. As a good soldier, he would have been expected to go quietly.

That obviously did not happen with him or his supporters maintaining the rage enough to attract some heavyweight support.

After all, Mr Werner-Gibbings almost won a seat in 2020, only to be shaded by the Greens’ Johnathon Davis, who left the Assembly in November over allegations of sexual impropriety and won’t be around in October.

Odds are Mr Werner-Gibbings will get there this time if the preselection mess hasn’t turned voters off altogether.

And that is the problem Labor was facing. Not only was the clumsy quota manipulation grossly unfair, but it was also damaging to the party in general.

The party council’s actions also undermined the very mechanism it was ostensibly trying to uphold.

READ ALSO Labor under the pump to take the (cost of living) pressure down

Preselections can be complicated enough when the factional balance must be maintained, not to mention score-settling and outright warfare. Add the quota requirement and the situation demands skill and alacrity to support women candidates but respect the democratic process.

None of that was on show in Brindabella.

The situation has been resolved and probably headed off a branch revolt, but it is not an auspicious start to an election year for a government looking for a seventh term and facing a Liberal Party shifting to the centre and showing more political grit. And being led by a woman.

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Mick Gentleman should be retiring and Louise Crossman appears useless. Taimus is a breath of fresh air and will be a great MLA if elected, too bad the rest of ACT Labor stinks, especially in long-forgotten Brindabella.

Understandably I don’t think Mick Gentleman will be taking advice from a Liberal supporter. And nor should he judging by your previous posts and the continuing turmoil we see from the Canberra Liberals!

Despite your disdainful words both Taimus Werner-Gibbings and Louise Crossman have enormous support within the Labor Party. Both are highly regarded by party members. Ms Crossman was previously a small business consultant and occasional media contributor. She was a past party president popularly elected to the position in a branch member election. Ms Crossman held the party president position during two election wins. As party president, Ms Crossman provided strong leadership and represented Labor and chaired major party meetings and committees. She has been active in the community and instrumental in Labor party reforms which have included implementing strategies to increase women’s participation. She also oversaw record membership growth in the party during her presidency.

The Canberra Liberals lost their only senator and federal representative at the last election. The party also voted an empty chair for president at their most recent AGM rather than elect a woman.

I am proud that Labor leads nationally on party reform and women’s participation!

Could I be accused of deplorable cynicism (= the cynicism of deplorables) if I suggest that it is universally understood and accepted in the ACT Labor Party that those who will be accredited as being “women” for the purposes of the Party’s gender quotas, and who will be deemed by the Party to “represent women”, will always be hard-left feminists?

Is it not passing strange that within the Party’s quotas for “women” there are not sub-quotas for, say, happily married women with more than one child? Or women who are believing Christians or Moslems? That would put out of contention almost the entire feminist elite which, together with their male Leftist allies, has long had totalitarian control of the ACT Labour Party — and thus of the ACT bureaucracy as well.

Out of my late mother, my late grandmothers, my wife, my sister, my five daughters, my two granddaughters, and my great-granddaughter — representing a great diversity of personalities — none have identified as feminists, and none have shown any sign of espousing feminist-endorsed life-values or dogmatics. So who would more authentically represent them in, say, the Federal Parliament or the ACT Legislative Assembly — their grandfather, fathers or brothers, or the ACT Labor Party’s feminists? The Labor Party’s answer is: the feminists. That’s what I call sicko.

Dear Colin Jory, how do you define a ‘hard-left feminist’? Or, indeed, a mere ‘feminist’, such as your grandmothers, wife, sister, five daughters, two granddaughters, and great-granddaughter are, according to you, not? At its mildest, and most anodyne, feminism is surely the belief in full social, economic, and political equality for women. I’m not sure that I would be boasting, if I were you, that those are things that your grandmothers, wife, sister, five daughters, two granddaughters, and great-granddaughter would not espouse as worthy or non-beneficial to them. If your grandmothers, wife, sister, five daughters, two granddaughters, and great-granddaughter prefer to live without access to social, economic, and political equality, I hope they choose not to take advantage of universal suffrage and/or economic assistance in the form of child benefits etc. Also that, if by any chance, they fall foul of some man’s physical, sexual, verbal or financial violence (not unheard of, you know) they won’t seek the assistance of the law or counselling services because why would they? As non-feminists they probably don’t think they need such assistance because, well, of course, they are fine as they are. Get real. There’s nothing wrong with feminism – it’s done a hell of a lot of women a hell of a lot of good. I daresay that your grandmothers, wife, sister, five daughters, two granddaughters, and great-granddaughter are among its benficiaries, whether they want to admit or acknowledge it or not.

Well said Jordania. I imagine these women have taken advantage of going to school; owning property and having a legal status of not being a chattel of their father or husband (all thanks to feminism). But I suspect many of the females is Colin’s world probably are feminists – he just doesn’t recognise it if they don’t walk around with “I am a feminist” label printed on all their clothes.

Women Colin Jory have been intimidated, harmed, locked up and removed from their families and children for campaigning for equal and political rights for centuries. The fight for equal rights continues today!

All of this abuse has been encouraged and perpetrated by men. The hardships and indignities many of these women endured are still raw and continue to be felt today. Maybe your grandmothers did not support, participate or benefit from the many achievements of these courageous women but your wife, sister, five daughters, two granddaughters and great granddaughters will!

Firstly, Colin, it is the Labor Party. Secondly, what I call sicko is your unwavering support of the Catholic church! The women in your family appear to have been labeled already by you and, I suspect, other more knowledgeable males, so aren’t allowed to identify themselves. They have been told.

The good people of Tuggeranong have been let down for years by senior Labor MLA’s who keep making grand promises before elections but never delivering them.

You’d think voters might one day wake up that they’ve been had by their local members.

Mr Gentleman has been rolling out the same election brochure since before the 2016 election.

We’ll deliver a Tuggeranong ice rink, a hydrotherapy pool, duplicate Athlonn drive, fix the bus services, improve public education, fix Lake Tuggeranong. He must be laughing how he can keep getting away with it.

Unfortunately Mr Bushnell you are right, this preselection was a dogs breakfast! Maybe Labor needs to be a bit more proactive in making way for new talent and pushing those MLA’s who have been hanging around for too long out!

Quotas were introduced at Labor’s 1994 National conference. This historic event is coming up to its 30th anniversary this election year. The reform continues to drive gender equality to this day and has given us quality representatives both past and present including Katy Gallagher and Alicia Payne who are doing a fine job in our federal parliament today.

I note some of the odious comments below mocking Labor’s quota system. Women inside the Liberal party continue to be subjected to mockery and ridicule for raising gender equality concerns. The recent Canberra Liberal AGM saw the party’s women, silenced for too long, shouted down for having the temerity to raise the issue. Ex-MLA and deputy leader Giulia Jones was harangued and told to “shut up”. The sexual assault, harassment and bullying claims made during the last term of the LNP government are still being played out in court. Then leader Scott Morrison made the startling claim that the thousands of female protesters who were participating in a march for justice outside parliament house were lucky they weren’t being “met with bullets”.

The latest federal election saw the Liberal party record its lowest female representation in parliament since 1993. A record number of women were elected to the House of Representatives but in the Liberal party women have just 9 of its 42 seats. Shameful indeed!

Liberals in the Assembly are 4 female and 5 male, seems like preselection on merit is working fine.

And how talentless are the Canberra Liberals’ women! Name one accomplishment any of these women have ever achieved? Elizabeth Kikkert, the most ineffective and right-wing of them all is rarely at work or overseas. She has just recently lost all of her portfolio responsibilities for her behind the scenes skullduggery. Nicole Lawder should have retired at the last election. Leanne Castley was elected deputy because there was no-one else interested or suitable for the role. Elizabeth Lee is a Trojan horse for the far right to get in.

How long do you think Ms Lee would last in the leadership role in the unlucky event the Canberra Liberals were elected?

On the weekends, Jack is lead singer of local punk band Die Liberals Die.

Tom McLuckie1:18 pm 19 Jan 24

So are you concerned our Chief Minister Andrew Barr is also rarely at home and often overseas too (and on government funded jollies).

No I don’t have any concerns Tom McLuckie. Most of Andrew Barr’s overseas trips have been leading missions throughout Europe and Asia with the goal of presenting the ACT as a desirable location for trade, investment and tourism. These missions have all been positively, and well reported in the media. ACT business leaders as well as ex-Liberal leader and now Commissioner for International Engagement Brendan Smyth accompanied Mr Barr on these trips.

The most recent was in September 2023 that I am aware of in which Mr Barr led an 8-day mission to the US. I understand this mission was highly successful and well reported in the media!!

Sorry nobody I am not really into punk. Never listen to it actually.

I am however a die hard fan of Van Morrison. I am also a great fan of Australian artists Dan Sultan and Nick Cave. I have just recently discovered American band Kings of Leon who are also exceptionally good!

Tom McLuckie12:42 am 20 Jan 24

And those successes for Canberra can be seen in what investment? $1M dollars of travel in 6 years for what returns? Cheaper loans losing our triple A credit rating where every household in Canberra contribute over 3k a year to interest alone? What a painted on believer you really are Jack D.

The ACT has much to offer in trade, investment, tourism and education Tom McLuckie! As one would expect our Chief Minister as Minister for Trade, Industry and Investment has been very active meeting leaders and developing opportunities overseas to expand these industries into the ACT, particularly as we emerge from Covid. These missions have received positive feedback from business leaders and the media. The benefits of these trips to the ACT far outweigh their costs and it would be only the most miserable who would complain!

The opposition has been silent and has no vision or policies for trade and investment in our city. I challenge you to name the opposition’s shadow minister without looking it up!

Benefits include the ACT government partnering with the Canberra Airport and other businesses to maximise trade and direct international flights to our city. We have direct services to Nadi in Fiji giving the ACT access to the North American market creating opportunities for our local businesses and exporters. Between November 2022 and 2023 the ACT’s tourism increased by 17.5%. The USA, NZ and China being the largest contributors to this increase. The ACT has over 8,000 international students and offer a number of initiatives for those wishing to study in our city. There are continuing discussions to bring more international hotel chains to the territory. These are just some of the economic benefits to the ACT and all thanks to the government’s efforts.

The ACT’s AA+ credit rating was on an equal footing with NSW, Queensland, Tasmania and South Australia as one would expect coming out of Covid. Victoria has a AA rating!

@Jack D.
“I challenge you to name the opposition’s shadow minister without looking it up!”

Other than you, Jack, I doubt anyone on here would have known Barr was the Minister for Trade, Industry and Investment.

Maybe you should pay a bit more attention then JS!

No I’m good thanks, Jack – but thanks for the insomnia cure recommendation

Tom McLuckie10:43 pm 20 Jan 24

So because everyone else is doing terribly at their responsibilities for fiscal responsibility that is good for us too? Andrew Barr has promised we would be in the black on our budget, on record, 10 times and we are still waiting. Great, we have flights to Fiji. What international investment can you tell us about due to his successes? Keep the red and green flag flying Jacky boy.

Capital Retro11:17 pm 20 Jan 24

“These missions have all been positively, and well reported in the media………”

Links please, Jack D.

Gregg Heldon9:44 am 21 Jan 24

Jack, I can’t tell if you’re a misogynist or a hypocrite. On another comment, you’re overjoyed about Labor’s affirmative action plan and then, here, you take down four females as lacking talent and accomplishments.
Every single person has talent at something and have accomplished things in life. Even you, I’m sure.
If Alicia Payne was right of centre, would you still be a fan? If Elizabeth Lee was left of centre, would you all of a sudden find her full of talent?

I pointed out a number of facts Gregg Heldon! You can agree or disagree and call me a hypocrite and misogynist if you like! “Merit” in the Liberal party is a term used as an excuse to keep women in their place!

The Liberal party’s “women problem” was clearly on display at their most recent AGM. If the party wants to win government, they will have to do much better than what they have done so far and put forward more women of talent and substance. There are a small number of mediocre female candidates who have put their hands up for this coming election. Elizabeth Lee is leading a party dominated by the right. She will not last five minutes in the unlikely event the party is elected at this year’s election. The party has just replaced Jeremy Hanson as deputy leader with Leanne Castley who is even more unsuitable and to the right. Elizabeth Kikkert has been invisible and done nothing whilst in parliament. She has now been stripped of all portfolio responsibilities and moved to the backbench due to her destabilisation and behind the scenes shenanigansm, undermining the party and its leader. Some of their current and past MLA’s have links to right-wing fringe and religious groups including Right to Life and Advance Australia.

A robust opposition drives good policy! Canberrans expect better and this is reflected in the party’s increasingly abysmal losses in the past six elections!

It is why the party will lose this year’s election!!

The hard on labor supporter being overtly sexist?

GrumpyGrandpa7:59 pm 24 Jan 24

Hi Jack D.
With all of the quotas, diversity and gender requirements of the ALP, that saw the non-aligned Taimus W-G initially removed as a candidate, I’m not sure it’s wise to talk down the way the Canberra Liberals select their candidates.

A robust Opposition is an Opposition that holds the Government to account. The leaning, gender, the diversity,

How anyone can honestly believe that picking candidates not based on merit but based their genitalia is a good idea… still makes me shake my head even all these years later.

I guess Mick being pre selected yet again is a sop to affirmative action: incompetent older people still have a role and have a representative in the LA who will promptly go back to sleep for another 4 years!

Great outcome- and bonus points being a T1 diabetic- you show them, Taimus

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