The Greens’ Caroline Le Couteur has added to a busy week of Green announcements (in contrast to the very quiet Liberals as they watch their leader bleed out) with the announcement of an exposure draft for a Planning and Development (Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets) Amendment Bill 2012:
“If we are going to address greenhouse gas emissions in a cost efficient way, then we must make sure that developments are consistent with our reduction targets and don’t need retro-fitting down the line.
The Greens Bill requires:
— larger scale development plans which cover the layout of suburbs to be compatible with the greenhouse gas reduction targets. These plans affect issues such as transport planning and building orientation.
— climate change impact assessment to be undertaken for larger scale impact track development applications. (does not cover individual building approvals)
— ACTPLA to revise the Territory Plan by December 2013 to ensure that it is compatible with the greenhouse gas targets. The Territory Plan would also need to be revised every 5 years after that with the same aim.
— ACTPLA to report annually on greenhouse gas emissions expected from approved developments