The Liberals’ Jeremy Hanson is hot and bothered following Chief Minister Gallagher’s estimates interrogation yesterday in the wake of Auditor-General’s findings that health statistics at Canberra hospital were manipulated on an industrial scale (11,700 records altered) by (probably) multiple people of which only one (Kate Jackson) has been identified:
“Katy Gallagher has misled the community about the nature of her conflict of interest in this scandal,” Mr Hanson said today.
“Her relative’s direct working relationship with the individual at the centre of the scandal should have been fully disclosed from the outset. Instead, she has continued to be tricky with her words and keep the community in the dark.
“She’s continually changed her story, and up until today, hasn’t explained the full scope of her conflict of interest.
“Katy Gallagher was silent on any potential conflict until the Opposition started asking direct questions in April, and even then, she failed to disclose the full extent of the conflict of interest.
“It was revealed under questioning today, that not only does her relative have a personal relationship with the Manager who falsified emergency department data, they also work under them in an area associated with the Emergency Department.
“Katy Gallagher simply cannot be trusted to tell the full story on any health issue.
“These continual changes to Katy Gallagher’s story are precisely why we need a Royal Commission into this scandal,” Mr Hanson concluded.
The ABC reports that the Chief Minister’s solution to the problem is a “Director of Data Integrity” within the Health Directorate.
Will this Director be reporting to the as yet unidentified data rorters?
An internal position hardly seems like a real solution to an integrity issue. It looks a lot more like a position tasked with making sure they don’t get caught in the future.
She’s also commissioning old hand Professor Mick Reid to review governance in the Directorate. Professor Reid reviewed ACT Health in 2002.