The Liberals opened the election campaign tonight with a 2 minute attack ad on WIN News which we hear sells for around $2,000.
$2 grand isn’t that much in the course of an ad campaign but to blow it in one go, particularly after a lengthy segment and with station promos sending the audience off to the toilet, it’s a big thing to go in one shot.
You can see the ad above. It makes some sound points, but I have some problems with it:
- — It’s using some very cheap emotional manipulation. Works for masterchef but drives me up the wall having the music telling me what to feel.
— There’s a big dollop of American campaigning. If we had voluntary voting I’d believe there was more validity in apeing septic methods. We do not, I do not.
— The secret meeting point is very dangerous (about health data manipulation). Our understanding is the issue was flagged in a regularly scheduled meeting.
— There’s no indication whatsoever of what the Liberals propose to do better.
But there you go, we’re off to the races.
UPDATE 04/06/12 20:48: And now they’re following it up with an even longer video propagated over twitter:
![katy gallagher](