Places of Solitude $10 – A new solo piano album by Jono Lake
This isn’t strictly Literary… however it is AMAZING – therefore I am allowing it to be considered literature just for this review!
If anybody has heard of the rambunctious Lakeside Circus, a seven piece band that gets around Canberra playing Jono Lake’s compositions – then prepare yourselves…
Places of Solitude, Jono’s new solo piano album is stripped back to bare.
It is one of the most beautiful free piano albums that this reviewer has ever heard.
Surging, sweet, whispered caresses and hard kicks to the gut, each tune displays such an array of emotional terrain – but it is not overwhealming. Rather it gently asserts its melodic subtlety, you feel involved, not alienated.
There are complex suggestions of many different influences on this album. From the pop melodic suggestions woven through track 4 ‘PURE’ to the obvious influence of free jazz and the sparsity of sound on track 3 ‘Distances’.
The album launch is actually TONIGHT! (26/5/11)
Above the Majura Medical Centre in Dickson there is a sweet venue called: The Loft. At 7.30pm the gig will kick off with the Liam Budge Quintet then Jono Lake will launch his album with suitable aplomb!
Tickets at the door $10
As per usual… anybody who mentions this article IN STORE will receive a FREE SMALL COFFEE.
But today as an extra special treat – the first three people to come into Smiths Alternative Bookshop and mention the article will also receive a copy of Jono Lake’s new album Places of Solutitude FREE!
Hopefully we will see you soon!
(Review by Prue)