Photo: ACT Government.
The City Renewal Authority will start upgrading London Circuit footpath on Wednesday (31 January) as part of its public realm improvement program for the city centre precinct.
The $1.1 million project will redesign the public space outside Bailey’s Corner to remove trip hazards and improve pedestrian facilities.
Stage one of the program will replace and upgrade the existing 50-year-old paving between Bailey’s Corner and Ainslie Place with new paving, upgraded lighting and street furniture.
One lane of London circuit westbound, directly outside Bailey’s corner, will be closed for the upgrade starting Tuesday (30 January) night.
City Renewal Authority chief executive Malcolm Snow said the improvement program was an important part of the authority’s work.
“Replacing and upgrading some of the ageing infrastructures in our public spaces across the city centre will make a big difference to the attractiveness and accessibility of the precinct,” Mr Snow said.
“A high-quality public environment is central to our renewal strategy. While we continue to work on the broader transformation and revitalisation of the precinct, these upgrades to existing public spaces will continue to be rolled out to make the city cleaner, safer and more attractive and accessible.”
The London Circuit upgrades will be done in sections to ensure building and pedestrian access is maintained throughout the project and is expected to be completed in late June.
The second project in the program, streetscape improvements on Akuna Street between London Circuit and City Walk, will start after the London Circuit work is finished.
The authority will also soon start discussions with property owners and traders about potential improvements to Lonsdale Street in Braddon as part of the program.